
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Muslim Converts Breathe New Life Into Europe's Dead Churches

We have been blogging on this topic for the last 8 years...the fact that hundreds of thousands of Muslims are leaving Islam and rejecting the very tenants of that faith and choosing to accept Jesus as their God and Savior.

The MSM has been very slow to report on this....probably because they don't understand that Islam and Jesus are totally opposed to each other.

But today we find this headline on Fox News front page.

Muslim converts breathe new life into Europe’s struggling Christian churches

Christianity is making a comeback in Europe – and it’s mostly thanks to Muslims, say experts in Islam and faith leaders.

A soaring number of Muslims, many of them refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, are converting to Christianity, breathing new life into Europe’s once floundering Christian churches. The Muslims are flocking to various Christian denominations, experts said, including becoming Protestants, evangelical or Catholic.

As many parts of Europe are becoming more secular and houses of worship are seeing congregants leave in droves, it is Muslim converts who are reviving struggling Christian churches.

"European churches have struggled for decades to share the gospel with modern secular Europeans,” Matthew Kaemingk, a professor at the Fuller Theological Seminary in Seattle, told Fox News. “They have found Muslim immigrants to be much more open to the message of Christianity."

Kaemingk, who has done research focused on Christian responses to Muslim immigration in the Netherlands, and has written a book titled “Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Fear” that will be published this fall, said secular Europeans rarely sense a deep need for the type of healing and salvation the church offers.

“Europeans are wealthy, comfortable, healthy, and powerful,” Kaemingk said. “In short, they don't think they need God.”

But, he added, Muslim immigrants are quite the opposite – they are intensely spiritual. But they are leaving their own religion for a variety of reasons.

Some Muslim refugees settling in European counties may be converting on the assumption that their odds for obtaining political asylum will improve if they are Christian, according to the Guardian. Others may have had an earlier interest in converting but were unable to do so while they lived in the Middle East, where conversions are often prohibited and could make the family a target. Some jihadist groups, including ISIS, target Christians for murder in such countries as Syria and Iraq.

Others are turning to Christianity to assimilate in their new country.

“The average Muslim newcomer in Europe experiences a tremendous amount of societal pressure. They experience racism, poverty, exclusion, discrimination, language and cultural barriers, and a deep sense of displacement,” Kaemingk said. “Their sense of homelessness is not only geographical, it is spiritual. Churches who offer these Muslims real and meaningful hospitality are seeing some surprising results."

Germany received nearly 900,000 asylum seekers in 2016; the majority was from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, according to published reports. Churches in Berlin and Hamburg were faced with so many asylum seekers wanting to convert that they held baptisms in municipal swimming pools.


Wow!  How about this statement??
“Europeans are wealthy, comfortable, healthy, and powerful,” Kaemingk said. “In short, they don't think they need God.”

Of course!  The more rich and comfortable we become...the less we think we need God!

Jesus told us that even the gates of hell would not prevent the Truth of His Gospel message being taken into all the world!  And Islam has certainly proven itself to be a gate from hell....and yet Jesus is marching on!

Praise the Lord!

Keep praying for Muslims to reject their demonic faith and embrace Jesus!  Bullets and bombs won't stop Satan but prayers certainly will!

Ephesians 6
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

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