
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Muslim Terrorist Attacks London

It's being reported that a Muslim in London launched a terrorist attack today.  It sounds like another LONE WOLF that are impossible to stop.

LONDON — Three people were killed and 20 others wounded Wednesday after a terrorist attack at Britain's Parliament sent crowds of tourists and lawmakers fleeing for safety.

The victims included a police officer stabbed at the House of Commons who died despite the efforts of doctors and a passing government minister to save him.

Two other victims were struck by a 4x4 vehicle that plowed into people walking on nearby Westminster Bridge. Some of the wounded pedestrians suffered "catastrophic" injuries, doctors said.
A woman was pulled alive from the River Thames below the bridge with serious injuries.

The assailant, thought to be acting alone, was brought to the ground by a gunshot and also died.

"We've declared this as a terrorist incident and the counter-terrorism command are carrying out a full-scale investigation into the events today," Mark Rowley, Britain's most senior counter-terrorism officer, told reporters.

Lawmakers were kept on lockdown inside the House of Commons while police secured the scene, and tourists were trapped on the nearby London Eye wheel.

Steve Voake, 55, a children's author who was visiting London for the day, told NBC News that he was walking over the bridge when he heard screaming.

"I thought it was a road accident. There was lots of panic and confusion. Then I saw a shoe on the ground. I one body on one side of the road and one body face down in the water with blood all around it."

Colleen Anderson, a junior doctor at nearby St. Thomas' Hospital, said: "There were some with minor injuries, some catastrophic. Some had injuries they could walk away from or who have life-changing injuries."


Hey wait!....I just re-read the article and it's NOT BEING REPORTED that the attack was carried out by a radical maybe it was a radical Lutheran?  Radical Boy Scout?  Radical Catholic?  Radical Mormon?  The MSM just can't be sure....because they remind us everyday how many "radicals" there are in every nook and cranny and NOT just in the Muslim faith.

I guess at this point, we can't be sure....but we are going to take the big risk on this blog and declare the attacker to be a RADICAL MUSLIM who worships Allah, listens to Imams, fasts at Ramadan, attends his local mosque and declares that Muhammad was the last prophet sent by God to correct the bogus message given by Jesus.

What continues to confound me is how many Lutherans, Methodists, Catholics and other folks who should know better, continue to insist that Muslims worship the same God as they do!

Really?  How is that even possible?

It's not possible....unless we start to understand that mankind has entered some type of grand delusion.

3/23 update....the terrorist's name was Khalid I guess that our guess proved to be correct.

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