
Friday, April 21, 2017


If any of you have listened to Jan Markell as of late, you will know that many times in the past few years she has mentioned the world CONVERGENCE when speaking of all the prophetic events shaping up.

Never before has there been SO MANY SIGNS of the coming Tribulation ALL HAPPENING AT ONCE.

Of course there have always been wars, rumors of wars, famines. disease, nations being displaced, race rising up against race....but never has there been a time when it is all happening at once WHILE ISRAEL IS BACK IN THE PROMISED LAND.

I have not seen this DVD, but I have heard Jack Hibbs who speaks in the movie I'm going to guess it's worthwhile.  Plus it's being advertised on a solid prophetic ministry site.

See the trailer here and order the DVD for you and your small group;

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