
Monday, April 10, 2017

Sweden Now Says They Will NEVER Allow Mass Immigration

So wait.....Sweden now says that maybe it wasn't a good idea to let thousands of Muslim refugees into their country?  How intolerant!  How Islamophobic!!  How racist!!!

During 2015 alone, Sweden received more than 160,000 asylum applications, resulting in the country closing its internal borders in an attempt to stagger the levels of migration into the country.

And more than 3,000 migrants are still living illegally in the Swedish capital alone.

But now Stefan Löfven has pledged to change Sweden’s liberal attitudes to immigration, and insisted the massive influx would never be allowed to happen again.

It comes after migrant Rakhmat Akilov from Uzbekistan drove a stolen 30-tonne truck into pedestrians at a busy department store in Stockholm on Friday.

Four were killed, including Britton and father-of-two Chris Bevinton, and 15 injured in the harrowing attack, which showed clear similarities to the London terror attack last month.

Akilov is believed to have carried out a reconnaissance of his route just days earlier.

The failed asylum seeker had been given four weeks to leave Sweden in December after his final appeal failed.

But he managed to evade detection simply by giving the authorities a fake address.

Now Mr Löfven has pledged to crackdown on illegal immigration - vowing to deport migrants who’s asylum applications fail immediately.

He said: “Sweden will never go back to the [mass migration] we had in autumn 2015, never.

“Everyone who has been denied a permit should return home.

“This makes me feel enormously frustrated. If you have been denied a visa you are supposed to leave the country.”

Akilov, 39, had previously expressed support for Islamic State - telling police he carried out the attack on their orders.


Yes!  And everyone who is in America ILLEGALLY and doesn't have a permit should return home too!

Can you even imagine the outcry if Trump said the same thing?

And I'm quite sure that right now in Sweden all the illegal immigrants are shaking in their sandals and making their travel plans to return home to the failed Islamic countries from which they fled....  (insert sarcasm)

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