
Thursday, May 18, 2017

Conservatives Begin to Whisper; President Pence

Wouldn't this be the story of the decade?!?!

Conservatives begin to whisper: President Pence

Not since the release of the Access Hollywood tape, in which Donald Trump bragged about groping women by the genitals, have some conservatives thought so seriously, if a bit wistfully, about two words: President Pence.

The scandals clouding Trump’s presidency — including, most recently, his firing of FBI Director James Comey, his alleged leak of classified information to Russian officials, and reports that he urged Comey to drop an investigation into a top aide — have raised once more the possibility that Trump could be pushed aside and replaced by Vice President Mike Pence.

“If what the [New York Times] reported is true, Pence is probably rehearsing,” one House Republican who asked not to be named quipped Wednesday. “It’s just like Nixon. From the standpoint that it’s never the underlying issue, it is always the cover-up.”

The still far-fetched proposition of removing Trump from office has increasing appeal to Republicans who are growing weary of defending Trump and are alarmed by his conduct in office. But such whispers are cringe-worthy for Pence and his aides, who have made an art of not upstaging the mercurial president. Pence’s press secretary declined to comment for this article.

On the campaign trail, Pence would shut down any conversations about the possibility of his own future bid should Trump lose, telling donors who raised the prospect that he was entirely focused on the race at hand. Aides said that sentiment was sincere — even if they engaged in some thinking about what Pence’s future could entail after a likely loss.


If Trump was involved in some type of massive cover-up....then he very well could (and should) go down in Richard Nixon.

As Bible readers we can take all this breathless news in stride.  We don't have anything to fear because God is always on the throne.  There is NOTHING that EVER surprises God.

Let me propose one interesting hypothetical to ponder for a moment....

What if Trump was used as the ONLY way to keep Hillary out of office....but the main plan in the throne room of heaven was to ultimately see Mike Pence elevated to the status of MOST POWERFUL MAN ON EARTH, which comes with the title of POTUS.

I don't know much about Mike Pence but from what I read he is a God-fearing man who reads and understands his Bible.

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