
Monday, May 15, 2017

Trump Hoping to Jump Start Peace Process

Almost every day now, you can turn on the news and see something about PEACE for Israel.

We believe that this could be one more sign of the CONVERGENCE taking place in so many prophetic areas.

Trump Hoping to Jump-start Peace Process Next Week

U.S. National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said at a weekend briefing with journalists that during his upcoming trip to the Middle East, President Donald Trump intends to express his hopes to “leaders and peoples alike, across the entire trip” for a “just and lasting peace” between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

“With President [Reuven] Rivlin and Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu]” McMaster said President Trump will “reaffirm America’s unshakable bond with the Jewish State”, and with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, the president will “express his desire for the dignity and self-determination for the Palestinians.”

President Trump arrives for a two-day visit to Israel next week, May 22-23, with the second day of the visit coinciding with Jerusalem Reunification Day.


As we have said numerous times....the Bible points to the fact that one day the Antichrist will CONFIRM a covenant with Israel...which means there must be some type of covenant already on the books for him to confirm.

The fact that Trump has jumped head first into Middle East peace may be a sign of just how close we are to some type of covenant being drafted.

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