
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Turkey and Jerusalem

Bible readers already know that Jerusalem will be the center of attention by the world in the Last Days.

This is certainly coming to pass.

We also know that Turkey will be a player in the Last Days by reading Ezekiel 38.

So when we see the President of Turkey carrying on over the city of Jerusalem...we know there must be something prophetic to watch for.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday vowed that his government would work with the Palestinian people to guard against the "Judiazation of Jerusalem," according to Channel 2.

Erdogan made the comments to Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Rami Hamdella while the latter was on an official visit to Istanbul.

The Turkish President “confirmed the necessity of unifying efforts to protect Jerusalem against attempts of Judaization,” and reiterated an earlier call for Muslims from around the globe to visit the "Al-Aksa" mosque located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. 

The comments came on the heels of statements Erdogan made earlier Monday at the opening ceremony of a two-day conference in Istanbul called “The International Forum on Al-Quds Wakf.”

“As a Muslim community, we need to visit al-Aksa Mosque often – each day that Jerusalem is under occupation is an insult to us,” Erdogan told the conference hours before meeting Hamdallah, according to the Turkish news agency Daily Sabah. 

Erdogan also took issue in particular with the pending Knesset legislation referred to as the Muezzin bill. The legislation would prevent mosques in Israel from using loudspeakers outside their buildings for prayer late at night and early in the morning.

“The bill to ban the adhan [call to prayer] is pending at the Israeli parliament,” Erdogan said. “It is disgraceful for those who lecture us about the freedom of religion to turn a blind eye to this attempt. Turkey will not let these attempts against freedom of belief to prevail.”

“Why are they afraid of the call to prayer?” the Turkish leader asked, according to the Daily Sabah. “Are they unsure of their own fate? We do not and will not treat our Jewish citizens like that.”

The Foreign Ministry immediately issued a harsh retort.

“Those who systematically violate human rights in their own country should not preach to the only true democracy in the region,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nachshon. “Israel consistently protects total freedom of worship for Jews, Muslims and Christians – and will continue to do so despite the baseless slander launched against it.”

Israel's Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein also lamented the Turkish president's statements, calling the entrenched leader an "enemy" of Israel. 

"Despite the reconciliation between Israel and Turkey, Erdogan was, and remains, an enemy," Edelstein said Tuesday morning in an interview to Israel Public Radio.


Amazing!  Little tiny city of Jerusalem, doesn't even have a sea port, has no real natural resources and really shouldn't be on ANYONE'S radar....but yet it is in the world-headline-news almost every single day!!


Because God said that Jerusalem will ALWAYS be His city and his eyes will always be on of course ever since God said it, Satan wants it!!

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