
Thursday, June 8, 2017

Liberals May Not Like Wonder Woman Movie

The new movie that just came out is WONDER WOMAN.  It's getting very good reviews and very good ticket sales.

But there is one huge problem with the movie according to many leftists.  Turns out the actress who plays Wonder Woman is a Jew and soldier in the Israeli Defense Force.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last week or so, you’ve likely heard about the smash hit comic book film “Wonder Woman,” and how the general consensus, from folks of all walks of life, is that it’s pretty darn awesome.

Many reviews have come in saying that while there’s a little feminist subtext beneath the surface, the overall themes of the film showcase how a woman can be strong, fight for what’s right, and still be soft, feminine, and not a man-hater.

This, of course, has many die-hard feminists on the left extremely angry, and is turning all of the early praise from this particular group of people into harsh criticism. Oh — that and the fact that the star of the film, Gal Gadot, once served in the Israeli military fighting radical Muslim terrorists.

Apparently leftists don’t like that sort of nonsense.

BizPacReview is reporting, The star of the blockbuster film, which most leftists originally praised for its portrayal of strong women, now has many angry because of Gadot’s time serving in the Israeli military destroying terrorists.

“It was demanding because you give up your freedom for two years, but there is something special in giving back to your community,” Gadot told Fashion Magazine of her time in the IDF after she was named the new Wonder Woman in 2015. “One day I hope we have peace in the Middle East and everyone is able to live together in harmony. I wish none of the countries in the world will ever need an army, but this is how it goes in Israel. It’s mandatory and I did my part. But the army wasn’t that difficult for me. The military gave me good training for Hollywood.”

Gadot doesn’t hate men and doesn’t see women as victims of the rampant misogyny the majority of Hollywood insists still exists.
“I truly believe we are more empowered. Men are more women-friendly in this generation,” the former Miss Universe Israel said. “We’re also stronger, sophisticated and can achieve what we want. That’s what I would like my daughter to know as she grows up.”

But the fact that Gadot is an Israeli has caused the nation of Lebanon to ban the movie from its theaters.

A group called the Campaign to Boycott Supporters of Israel-Lebanon justified the ban by citing an ongoing war between the two states, according to Vanity Fair.

“Lebanon is officially at war with Israel and has a decades-old law that boycotts Israeli products and bars Lebanese citizens from traveling to Israel or having contacts with Israelis,” the group said.

And after Gadot served in the 2006 Israel–Hezbollah War she posed with other IDF Women for a Maxim magazine spread titled “The Chosen Ones: Israeli Defense Forces.”

And her time in the IDF has caused anger among social justice warriors who believe Israel is a terrorist state that doesn’t have a right to exist.

The leftists are particularly angered by a photo Gadot shared in Facebook in 2014 that showed her praying with her daughter for Israeli forces to defeat the Hamas terrorists.


Amazing!!  Lebanon bans a movie because their is an Israeli in it!!  Where is the left when you need them to scream "racist!" at the Lebanese?  Oh yeah....they are too busy figuring out ways to undermine Israel to see that they are aligned with some of the biggest racist-haters on the planet.

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