
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

No Muslim Celebration Dinner at White House This Year

It seems preposterous to me that the White House would be expected to pay ANY mention to celebrating the end of Ramadan by having some type of Muslim dinner.  Why they heck would they take ANY time in preparing a meal or celebration that honors Islamic custom when less than 5% of the population is Muslim?

Should the White House also prepare Hindu meals to honor the Hindu gods?  How about Buddhist meals to honor the Buddha?


So it would seem that the past few Presidents had bowed to Islam and had and END OF RAMADAN celebratory dinner....but NOT TRUMP!

The Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of Ramadan, arrived Saturday without a celebration at the White House, ending a presidential tradition going back at least 20 years.
President Donald Trump and the First Lady did issue a statement Saturday marking the end of Ramadan, but did not host an event at the White House to mark the religious holiday.

Instead, the couple attended the wedding of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to Scottish actress Louis Linton, according to White House pool reports.

"Muslims in the United States joined those around the world during the holy month of Ramadan to focus on acts of faith and charity," Trump's statement read. "During this holiday, we are reminded of the importance of mercy, compassion, and goodwill. With Muslims around the world, the United States renews our commitment to honor these values."

The decision not to host an Eid celebration was not a big surprise considering that no invitations had gone out to Muslim leaders in the weeks leading up to the holiday. Still, people across the country still took notice of the administration's decision.

The tradition of hosting an annual iftar dinner to celebrate Eid al-Fitr at the White House dates back to the Clinton administration, which first hosted the event in 1996. Both the administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama continued to host the event, inviting Muslim diplomats and prominent members of the Muslim-American community to the White House for the holiday.

The first White House iftar was held by Thomas Jefferson in 1805 when he invited an ambassador from Tunis to the White House.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson also broke with decades of tradition this year by rejecting a request to host an Eid-al-Fitr reception. The State Department issued its own statement Saturday marking the holiday.

"On behalf of the U.S. Department of State, best wishes to all Muslims celebrating Eid al-Fitr," the statement read. "This day offers an opportunity to reflect on our shared commitment to building peaceful and prosperous communities."

Even if the Trump White House had decided to host an event Saturday, Muslim leaders have noted that it may have been difficult to find attendees. The president and his administration have repeatedly angered and alienated Muslims, most notably with their attempts to establish a travel ban targeting majority-Muslim countries.


Just one more reason why I am so thankful that Trump is in the White House!  I may not like all his tweets but the fact that his administration has thrown out the stupid idea of honoring Islam by hosting an Eid al-Fitr dinner...pleases me.

As we all know, most of our founding fathers were God-fearing men.  They didn't fear the god's of Hindu, the Greek gods or the Muslim god.  No!  They feared the God of the Bible.  Trump is just rolling back the political correctness and stupidity that has come upon us like a flood in the last 20 years....and the darkness doesn't like it.

Please continue to pray for President Trump and all his cabinet.  Pray that they would fear the Lord and look to Him as the ONLY place to gain wisdom and knowledge.

Psalm 25:12
Who, then, are those who fear the Lord? He will instruct them in the ways they should choose.

Psalm 34:7
The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.
Psalm 85:9
Surely his salvation is near those who fear him, that his glory may dwell in our land.

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