
Monday, July 24, 2017

Putin May Never Leave the Presidency

Boy oh boy!!  This dude Putin sure seems to be a major candidate to assume the role of Gog in the Ezekiel 38 prophecy!

Asked what he plans to do when he leaves the presidency, Vladimir Putin paused and smiled. “But I haven’t decided yet if I will leave the presidency,” the Russian leader replied, to laughter and applause from an audience made up almost entirely of Russians who were born after he first became president in 2000.

A month after thousands of young Russians took to the streets to protest against corruption among the Kremlin elite, Putin held a set-piece discussion event on Friday with hundreds of children, in an apparent attempt to portray himself as a youth-friendly president.

Presidential elections will take place next March and Putin is widely expected to stand and win another six-year term. An opposition politician, Alexei Navalny, who organised the recent round of protests, has said he would like to stand but his name is unlikely to be allowed on the ballot paper.

Putin spent three hours speaking with the assembled children, in a session broadcast live on Russian television. Those present appeared to have been screened to ensure there would be no hostile questions.


He may never leave!

We also know he already controls the media and has all his appearances screened in advance to make sure there are no "hostile questions" for him to answer.

Yep!  Just like a good dictator should!!

We are pretty sure that followers of Christ will not be around to witness Ezekiel 38...and if the rapture were to happen seems quite certain that Putin would be quick to finish putting together the players necessary for fulfillment.

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