
Monday, July 31, 2017

US Army Teachers Soldiers How to Shower With Transgender People

So let's say you are a burly Green Beret who is stationed on a hilltop base in Afghanistan and when shower day comes around, a man steps into the shower room with you and he has big breast implants and very feminine features.  What do you do?

Or what if a woman stepped into the shower with you and has all her lady parts intact but insists her name is Steve.  She insists she is a man so feels most comfortable showering with other men.  Now what do you do?

Thankfully the Army has some sensitivity training tools to teach their soldiers how to shower with men who think they are women and women who think they are men.

They also address how to react if you should happen to find a 'pregnant man' in your company. (a pregnant man is really just a pregnant woman who believes she is a man)

Women soldiers were being trained to shower with biological men as part of the Army’s plans to accept transgender troops. Did this prompt the Trump order to ban Transgenders from service?

The bigger question is does sensitivity training ensure more readiness or is it a magnet for free sex-change operations for confused gender identity candidates? One thing for sure it had become part of the Pentagon’s new “transgender inclusion” agenda launched by Obama and gaining ground in the Armed Services.

Social conservatives mounted a counteroffensive to ditch the “trans” program altogether and with the election of Donald Trump and his – pardon the pun – “brass” balls – it looks like the experiment may be over. Although a tiny, tiny percentage of transgenders are serving in the military – the cost in time and money is in the billions. A welfare program – nothing less.

Some background:
Late in former President Barack Obama’s second term in office, then-Secretary of Defense Ash Carter issued a “transgender inclusive” military policy set to be put into effect on July 1, 2017. It has only been ‘delayed’ by the Trump Administration for six months.

On June 30, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis postponed the opening of military enlistments to transgender people for an additional six months. The delay does not prevent currently serving soldiers from transitioning. It is intended to give the joint chiefs more time to review and mitigate the Obama-era rule’s impact on the readiness and lethality of our armed forces.

It is unclear what steps the Trump Administration will take once the six-month delay expires on the trans policy implementation.

The initiative, which bypassed Congress, also provides new training material for biologically female soldiers. They will now encounter “women with genitalia,” (men), in women’s bathrooms, barracks, and shower facilities.

In ‘considerations and responsibilities’ the Army instructs soldiers as follows:
1-Understand that you may encounter individuals in barracks, bathrooms, or shower facilities with physical characteristics of the opposite sex despite having the same gender marker in DEERS.
2-All Soldiers should be respectful of the privacy and modesty concerns of others. However, transgender Soldiers are not required or expected to modify or adjust their behavior based on the fact that they do not “match” other Soldiers.


If the US Military can exclude people who are color blind from should be a no-brainer that they should also be able to exclude people who are frustrated because they believe they are trapped in a body of the opposite sex.

Thank you President Trump for bringing an end to some of the insanity that has been flooding into our land....even if it turns out to only be a temporary still feels good.

"In the beginning God created them MALE and FEMALE.  MALE and FEMALE He created them."

As Christians we can truly feel sorry for the folks who believe they are the opposite sex.  And certainly we should pray for them that they would find Jesus and that He would save their souls and then allow the Holy Spirit to clean up their confused lives.

Remember, ALL HUMANS need this!  We are ALL BORN with confusion, sin and rebellion built right in!  And Jesus is the ONLY One who can eternally fix us.

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