
Friday, August 4, 2017

New Pixar-Like Cartoon About Gay Boy

What can be more innocent and appealing to little kids than cartoons?  Cartoons are just plain fun!!

Recently, some Florida college students made a 4 minute cartoon about a boy who is so in love with another boy that his heart jumps out of his chest and starts chasing the other boy.

Of course, to the leftists who made the cartoon they want to send out the message that "the heart wants what the heart wants!" so just follow your heart to happiness!!

In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

Our hearts and desires will continue to lead us into hell if we let them.

Get your tissues handy – you’re going to need them after watching In a Heartbeat. It’s a new animated short film that is absolutely breaking the Internet, and it’s so necessary in today’s climate of intolerance and hate.

In a Heartbeat was put together by Ringling College of Art and Design students Beth David and Esteban Bravo as their computer animation thesis, but it has now taken on much more of a life than just a school project. It deals with a young boy struggling to come to terms with his feelings for a handsome peer, a topic never previously explored by animated film, and features an adorable jumping heart that is just begging to be made into a new Pixar mascot. In just 4 minutes, it captures the experience of countless LGBTQ youth, and shows them that there’s nothing to be afraid of.

The Florida students managed to successfully crowdfund almost 5 times their original estimated costs to produce the film through Kickstarter, and their hard work is paying off. Since hitting YouTube, In a Heartbeat has racked up over 5 million views, and everyone watching it is begging for a sequel. Take in the touching short for yourself below, and find out what people are saying about it!


Jeremiah 17
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

So the Bible says that the heart is deceitful about ALL THINGS and beyond cure....but this cartoon clearly sends the message that if your heart wants must be good!!  "Just follow your heart!"

But what if my heart wants two wives?  Is that good?  What if my heart wants sex with prostitutes?  Is that good too!  How about if my heart wants sex with men and women?

What if my heart tells me that I'm actually a little girl trapped in an old man's body?

I think you get the picture.

It's just so sad to watch the indoctrination of our society and our kids.

But please remember, NONE OF THIS IS A SURPRISE TO GOD!  He knew where our society was heading before He formed the foundations of the world.

Hat tip to Guy B.

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