
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Tear Down All MLK Statues Now!

The Left wants to tear down statues of any man that isn't perfect.  According to them, if a man owned slaves 200 years ago or 2000 years ago, he isn't fit to have a statue in the public square.  Only perfect Martin Luther King...deserve to have statues in the public place.


Well it's a confirmed fact that Martin Luther King was an adulterer! 

Because of this, he offends me!  Me and all those folks who adhere to the 10 commandments and the sanctity of marriage!  So we now demand that all his statues get torn down, get rid of MLK Day as a National Holiday and rename all the schools and streets in every city that has used his name!

And one other thing....he smoked those disgusting cigarettes!!  What kind of a role model could a smoking adulterer be to the children of today sitting in a school named after him and taking a day off from classes to honor him?

One of the easiest things to forget about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is that he was just a person. One of the most influential people of the 20th century, no doubt, but a person with unique flaws and quirks that made him different from the Christ-like figure he’s often portrayed as today.

At the time of King’s assassination on April 4, 1968, he was still the personification of the civil rights movement in the United States. But those near him said he appeared to have lost a step, in part because of conflicts in his inner circle of advisers and a growing estrangement from his former ally President Lyndon B. Johnson over the Vietnam War.

Five years after his famous “I Have A Dream” speech, though, and 40 years before the first African-American  became president, King stepped onto the balcony outside his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tenn.

King was on the balcony sneaking a cigarette

When racist assassin James Earl Ray aimed his rifle sight at King, he almost certainly saw the civil rights leader doing something King's children never saw him doing: smoking. King was a lifelong smoker, although very few – if any – pictures exist as proof because he never smoked in public. King didn’t want his family to know about the habit.

After King was shot, his advisers stopped the bleeding while one of them, Dr. Billy Kyles, removed a pack of cigarettes from King’s pocket.

King was a serial adulterer

While the ethical reasons for the FBI’s monitoring of King were murky (at best), the recordings do make up much of what we now know about the man’s personal life. King had engaged in so many extramarital affairs that his wife, Coretta Scott King, had reportedly become disillusioned with their marriage.

FBI monitoring devices recorded audio of King during a tryst at a Washington, D.C., hotel, eventually sending the tape to Mrs. King in an effort to discredit him in his own home. King even spent the last night of his life with a woman who was not his wife. In the chaos outside the Lorraine Motel, his advisers told the young woman to stay out of the ambulance to avoid tarnishing his legacy.


Of course this whole line of reasoning is ridiculous, nonsensical and sophomoric.  Jefferson and Washington were awesome, smart men to which every American owes a great deal.  Without their great minds and courage we may not be part of the greatest nation on God's Green Earth.

We are all flawed men.  None are perfect.  The fact that Jefferson owned slaves should not negate all of the tremendous things he did for this country.  The fact that Robert E. Lee found himself fighting for the Confederacy does not mean he wasn't a God-fearing, moral and intelligent man that we could look up to.  The fact that Martin Luther King was an adulterer and a cigarette smoker doesn't mean we should cease to look to the great ideas he had about faith and country.

For now, the lunacy of the left is going off the charts.  We can hope and pray that this nation comes to it's senses and embraces our history as in imperfect place filled with imperfect men.  But still it has been a much, much better place that ANY of the nations who came before it because it was settled and founded by men who feared The Lord.

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom"--Proverbs

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