
Monday, September 11, 2017

Just Ignore What Bible Clearly Says

It's too bad that the Nashville Statement was released right around the time that the worst hurricanes in US history were slamming or getting ready to slam.

It would have been nice if it had been a slow news day so the media could have gone ape-crap-in-a-tizzy over the fact that Bible teaching preachers and leaders who signed the Statement simply confirmed what the Bible has said all along.

That being said, it's not surprising that the LGBTQ community and all those who support it came unglued when they read it.

And sadly, it's not surprising that all sorts of "Christian" pastors and leaders also came out of the wood work to attack the Nashville Statement on Biblical sexuality.

Here's what uber-liberal Jim Wallis had to say.  Let's watch and see if he references the Bible at all to support or defend his views.

The timing of a new “manifesto” aimed against LGBTQ Christians and their allies — in the immediate aftermath of Charlottesville and in the midst of Americans rescuing each other in Texas — is more than unfortunate. In a time when the evils of racism gain new, frightening currency in our culture, and racial bigotry is being exemplified by the president of the United States with silence from most white evangelicals, some Christian leaders have determined that now is the time to declare that agreement on issues of sexual orientation and identity is a litmus test for authentic Christian faith — while not doing so for repentance from the sin, myth, and idol of white supremacy. This “Nashville Statement” exemplifies a grave mistake of public discernment and creates a more polarized division that seriously is damaging any credible evangelical witness in today’s culture. And that this is presented as the litmus test for true Christian faith sends a clear message to our Christian brothers and sisters of color.

Many Christians, including evangelicals, have been seeking to repent of the damage done to LGBTQ people by our churches, even if they still wrestle with theological issues around sexuality. In this statement, there is none of that spirit — no repentance or humility for the church’s treatment of LGBTQ Christians. Rather, the spirit of certainty and judgment in the rejecting of LBGTQ persons, exemplified by this statement, is one of the reasons a new generation of believers is leaving the church. In great contrast, Jesus’ radical call to love each other, our neighbors, those different from us, and even our enemies is painfully missing in this statement.

Also missing is any attempt to find common ground, be welcoming faith communities, and find civil and compassionate ways to dialogue and even disagree. Rather, this manifesto’s deliberate purpose seems to be to further divide the church on difficult issues. The few women signers to this statement is also indicative of the clear connection being made between the rejection of LGBTQ Christians and this group’s rejection of equality of women and their leadership in the churches.

Instead we should look for common ground, compassion, civility, and consistency as we pursue and seek to discern the heart of God on these questions.

Some of the common ground we should be able to affirm include:

Every initial of LGBTQ represents people who are beloved of God and made in the image of God.

Sexuality is indeed part of the good creation of God, who intends for it to be lived in ways that are whole, holy, and within the framework of love and commitment. For Christians, sexuality is meant to be covenantal instead of just recreational, which indeed is the spirt of the age that critically needs healthier counter-cultural alternatives.

We are still learning about sexual orientation and identity — and so this calls us more to listening and humility than certain judgement. Old cultural ideas about choices and “cures” have been undermined by the evidence, and by our experiences of the people we love and are in relationship to. People are who they are, and our churches are trying to live out what it means to accept the humanity of our brothers and sisters. LGBTQ Christians are asking to be welcomed and accepted in the body of Christ.

The Bible should indeed be central to how we decide hard questions, and biblical commitment should cross all our differences. Biblical scholarship shows these issues are more complex than we have often thought. Credible, orthodox biblical scholars have shown that the idea of committed Christian same-sex relationships were likely not something envisioned in the Scriptures or in biblical times. At least we should say that biblically committed Christians, including evangelical Christians, can and do have different interpretations of Scripture on the difficult and complicated issues of sexual orientation and identity. And Christians need to learn how to agree to disagree on these matters — which the Nashville statement commands we not do.


Yes!!  God clearly had NO IDEA that men were going to have anal sex with other men and then demand that society accept them as a married couple!!  No clue!  He was totally taken by surprise!! He also was totally clueless that women were going to copulate with animals!!  He never saw that coming...just like he never saw it coming that men would have the desire to have multiple wives!!

You see how ridiculous this argument is from Wallis??

God saw it all!  He is the beginning of all things and he is also the end of all things.  King Solomon said there is nothing new under the sun.  Men have been having sex with other men and animals from the earliest of times.  Women have been perverted since the earliest of times.

God said he detested men lying with other men.  In Leviticus he says so twice and says that men caught diddling each other should be put to death.

Paul confirms the sin of homosexual sex multiple times in the New Testament.

Romans 1
Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

1 Timothy 1
8 We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. 9 We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine 11 that conforms to the gospel concerning the glory of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.

The Bible says that the Gospel will be offensive to basically everyone...especially those who LOVE their sin....and have NO DESIRE to surrender to the will of their Creator.


  1. To me it is clear that Mr. Wallis did not read the Nashville statement very clearly. Here is what he said:

    "The few women signers to this statement is also indicative of the clear connection being made between the rejection of LGBTQ Christians and this group’s rejection of equality of women and their leadership in the churches."

    Let's compare that to Article 3 from the Nashville Statement

    We AFFIRM that God created Adam and Eve, the first human beings, in His own image, equal before God as persons, and distinct as male and female.

    We DENY that the divinely ordained differences between male and female render them UNEQUAL in dignity or worth.

    Conservative Christian Man: "I believe that God created Men and Women as equal co-rulers over creation."

    Someone from the Left: "You misogynist pig! Why do you think your better than women?"

    Sometimes you just can't win. For me this is just another example of the war on truth. We who have signed the statement are being maligned for something we DID NOT say and DO NOT believe.

    Let me try and be more clear for Mr. Wallis:

    We AFFIRM that men and women or EQUAL. We DENY that men and women are UNEQUAL.


  2. Agree! The war on TRUTH is never ending! And it will continue until the Voice of Truth is sitting on the throne ruling with an iron rod.
