
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Macron To Push Peace in Israel

We have no idea WHO the Antichrist will be.  We believe that we will be GONE with Jesus before the Antichrist is actually revealed (2nd Thessalonians) and we find much more joy in watching for Jesus rather than watching for the Antichrist.

With that being said, the Bible does go into detail about this coming Man of Lawlessness.  Many prophecy watchers believe he will come from the revived Roman empire and that he will come up quickly in power and will have lots of charisma that attracts many.

So when France elected a new President who has quickly risen in power and popularity in Europe....many of us said, "Huh....that's interesting."

And now when we see a headline like this we sit up a little and say, "Huh....that's really interesting."

French president plans Mideast trip to push peace process

PARIS - French President Emmanuel Macron will travel to the Middle East next spring, in a trip including Israel and the Palestinian territories, to help the peace process in the region and promote a two-state solution.

“We will continue our efforts with the United Nations to find a two-state solution, Israel and Palestine, living safely side-by-side within borders recognized by the international community, with Jerusalem at the capital of both states,” he told a gathering of French ambassadors.

Besides Israel and the Palestinian territories, Macron said the trip will include Lebanon and Jordan.

Macron met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in July and made an appeal to him for renewed Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

The French president also warned the Israeli prime minister that continued Jewish settlement construction could threaten such negotiations and eventual peace prospects.

"I call for a resumption of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians in the framework of the search for a solution of two states, Israel and Palestine, living in recognized, secure borders with Jerusalem as the capital," Macron told reporters.

At his side, Netanyahu said, "We share the same desire for a peaceful Middle East," but didn't elaborate on eventual peace talks.

Macron further said France is ready to apply diplomatic levers toward renewed negotiations but gave no specifics. He didn't indicate any eagerness for France to spearhead such negotiations, after a fruitless French diplomatic effort early this year.


Of course we know it won't go well for France if they PUSH PEACE on Israel and start demanding that Israel carve up God's land.

We also know that the Antichrist won't necessarily broker the peace deal between Israel and it's enemies but instead will CONFIRM one that is already in place.  "He will confirm a covenant with many for one seven [year period]."  Daniel 9:27

Here's the deal people...PEACE is being talked about in regards to Israel and it's enemies like no other time since Israel established it's nationhood in 1948.  The world simply can't take it's eyes and ears off of Israel.  Meanwhile the enemies of Israel are gathered in Syria in all sorts of forms.  The chess pieces are set up for the Last Days events prophesied in Daniel, Thessalonians, Revelation and others to literally play let's be busy about The Lord's that it will go well for any of us whom He finds working when He returns.

Matthew 24:46
It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns.

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