
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Some DACA Dreamers Should be Deported

Trump is in the middle of a firestorm AGAIN!

If you listen to the media they will tell you it's "awful" and "Un-American" that 800,000 of these illegal immigrants, who were brought into the USA as children, by their illegal immigrant parents....are now feeling really bad that their OBAMA FREE PASS may now be looked at again.

Do I believe that if some baby was brought here illegally 20 years ago and that baby is now a Navy Seal serving his country....that he should be allowed to stay??

You bet I do!!  I 100% think there should be a path for him to become a legal resident of the USA.

Do I believe that a 15 year old kid brought here illegally by his parents who is now a gang-banger selling drugs on the streets of LA should be allowed to become a legal resident?

No way!!  Ship him back to where ever he came from and let THEM deal with him and pay for his incarceration.

Of course of the 800,000 affected, the media will only focus on the nice kids who are now insecure about the future of DACA....and of course they will stay away from the losers in the crowd that should be deported.

But here is some more water cooler information for you can stand tall against your liberal neighbors and employees when they start bashing Trump's DACA decision.

There Is No Such Thing as a ‘Deserving DREAMer’

Over and over again, from the mouths of politicians in both parties, along with identity-politics purveyors and cheap-labor lobbyists, we hear the same refrains about President Obama’s 800,000 amnestied illegal-alien youths:

“They don’t deserve to be punished.”

 “They deserve protection.”

 “They deserve the American dream.”

Over and over again, in countless cookie-cutter op-ed pieces published over the past month, so-called DREAMers have vociferously lamented President Donald Trump’s push to eventually undo their unconstitutional five-year reprieves from deportation plus coveted work permits:

 “DREAMers like me have flourished under DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). Trump might take it all away.”

“If Trump ends DACA, DREAMers like me will return to a life of anxiety and doubt.”

 “I feel exhausted, I feel frustrated, I feel angry, and in the worst moments, I feel helpless. I feel terrified that at any moment this program is going to be taken away and once again I won’t be able to work — how will I pay my bills? . . . What is going to happen to me if I get stopped on the street and I no longer have DACA? What’s going to happen to me if I get put into deportation proceedings and I don’t have thousands of dollars to hire an attorney to stay in this country?” 

“I will lose my job, my ability to finish college, my driver’s license, and will be subject to deportation. I am not alone either. Almost one million young immigrants like myself will be affected in the same way and possibly even worse.”

 I, I, I. Me, me, me. My bills. My ego. My education. My job. My anxiety. Since when did DACA become the Depression and Anxiety Cure for Amnesty-seekers?

 It’s this insatiable appetite for collective entitlement that demonstrates the perils of blanket amnesty. Give a privileged political class an inch and they’ll take, take, take until feckless public servants give away their country.

 The proper response to illegal-alien activists demanding that Washington act “NOW!” to preserve their comfort, allay their anxieties, and extend their unconstitutional protections indefinitely is this:


Americans in uniform who’ve dedicated their lives to defending our nation are struggling to gain access to quality health care they’ve earned by action, not by accident or circumstance. Imagine their stress.

 Five million American young people between 16 and 34 were unemployed last year and 50 million more are not even in the labor force. Imagine their anxiety. Hundreds of thousands of law-abiding people from around the world are waiting patiently for their backlogged visa and green-card applications to be reviewed. Imagine their frustration. 

Why don’t their dreams come first?


Even the Catholics came out to say they didn't think Jesus would abolish DACA.  Silly Catholics! Steve Bannon just blasted them by saying they needed illegal immigrants to keep their dying churches full!!

Here's the deal, short and sweet....Obama over-reached when he said 800,000 illegal people could stay in America and signed an Executive Order saying so.  Congress should be the one's to decide what our laws are concerning illegal immigrants.  That's their make laws.  It's not the President's job.

So be undoing DACA, Trump has put the decision into the hands of Congress where it should have been in the first place.

So now we can hope that Congress writes some sort of law to keep the Navy Seals, the EMT's, the Doctors and all the other dreamers who have already benefited from our free education and are now paying us back by being good, tax-paying citizens....and then write the law to get rid of the drunk-driving, drug-dealers. gang-bangers and criminals who are nothing but a drain on USA.

They don't DESERVE anything from USA but a bus ride back to illegal border they illegally crossed.

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