
Thursday, October 5, 2017

Fired for Being Pro-Life?

What if you posted to your Facebook account that you believed strongly that marriage was between one man and one woman til death do them part?  And what if the next day your boss called you in and fired you because your comments were offensive and opposite of "company culture."

What if you posted to your Facebook that you believed every baby deserved the right to life and that the safest place for a baby should be in it's mother's womb?  And what if you ended up losing your job because your employer's union supported abortion?

A woman who objected to her union's financial support of abortion has gone to court after being fired by Southwest Airlines over her "highly offensive" perspective.

The Washington Free Beacon reported the lawsuit brought by Charlene Carter of Aurora, Colorado.

The veteran flight attendant alleges she was fired by Southwest after opposing her union's funding of a trip by officials to attend last winter's pro-abortion Women's March in Washington.

According to the Free Beacon, Carter alleges her employment was terminated for expressing her religious faith regarding abortion in Facebook posts and messages to Audrey Stone, a union official.

"The suit alleges that Stone and the company's actions represented retaliation over her bid to stop paying ‘compelled fees for its political, ideological, and other nonbargaining spending, and to engage in other speech and activity in opposition to Local 556,'" the report said.

Besides objecting to the union funding of attendees at the Women's March, she also sent messages to Stone "objecting to the use of union resources to participate in the march and included a link to a video depicting an abortion, as well as articles about the participation of a convicted terrorist in the March," the report said.

She promoted a campaign to decertify the union and on Facebook wrote: "This [an abortion] is what you supported during your Paid Leave with others at the Women's MARCH in DC. Wonder how this will be coded in the LM2 Financials ... cause I know we paid for this along with your Despicable Party. ... Can't wait for you to have to be just a regular flight attendant again."

The company claimed her pro-life statements were "highly offensive in nature" and her messages to union officials "harassing."


The Bible clearly says that we need to "count the costs" of following The Lord.  We might be ostracized by our family and friends.  We might lose our job.  But The Lord promises that our reward will be great in heaven.

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