
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

How Life Started on Earth...According to Newsweek

The Bible clearly tells us in Genesis that God created all the heavens and the earth and everything on it and in it.

The complexity of the the life we can see here on earth is PROOF of a Creator. 

The Bible clearly tells us that we can KNOW there is a Creator by observing His creation.

Romans 1
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Today we find on article on the front of Google News that the foolish minds are convinced that God didn't do it!!  Nope!!  It was meteorites crashing into warm ponds that started all life on earth!!

Hey!!  Where did the warm ponds come from?  And WHO made the meteorites to come crashing in carrying life on them?  And WHO made the life on the meteorite??

Poor atheists....the are so confused!!

Long before there were humans, or hominins, or even single-celled creatures, there must have been something that sparked life on Earth and became everything we see around us today. On that much, scientists agree—but how precisely life began is far from settled.

A new paper published today in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences tries to answer that question with math. It analyzes one of the two leading scenarios: that meteorites streaming in from the solar system deposited the building blocks of RNA, a compound similar to DNA that can both store information and oversee the construction of other molecules.

"Now we have evidence that says not only that this is plausible but that it's probable, so that's pretty exciting," Ben Pearce, lead author on the paper and a doctoral student at McMaster University in Canada, told Newsweek. He admits the question isn’t yet settled. "It's definitely another piece of evidence to add to the stacks—it will take a whole wealth of more science to really nail this down."

Pearce and his colleagues modeled what would have happened in so-called warm little ponds on land during Earth’s early days. This origin-of-life theory was first proposed by Charles Darwin. The new paper argues that meteorites would have been hitting Earth fairly frequently and carrying large quantities of nucleobases, one of the three types of compounds that make up RNA, into ponds on the planet’s surface. Those ponds wouldn’t have been stable—they would have shrunk during the dry season, then expanded during the wet season. That cycle first allows chemical compounds to bond to each other while in close proximity, then stirs them up to create new configurations when the pond shrinks again.

But those compounds didn’t go unchallenged—ultraviolet radiation from the sun would have destroyed them, and some would have slipped through holes in the soil at the bottom of the ponds. So Pearce and his colleagues balanced the creative potential of warm little ponds with those factors. They argue that after a meteorite struck, RNA could have formed within a few years.

"This isn't happening in a couple ponds," Pearce says the team’s calculations show. "This is actually happening in thousands of ponds, so there were thousands of opportunities" for life to begin.


And of course this latest THEORY will be rolled out to all of our kids in public schools from the time they can learn to in another decade Satan will really have a strangle-hold on Americans as MOST of them will believe that Genesis is a big, fat lie!  And once the vast majority of Americans REJECT God as Creator and reject the Bible as an authority for our lives and reject Jesus as the ONLY way to eternal life....our fate as a great nation will be sealed.

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