
Friday, October 6, 2017

NBC Keeps Rolling Out the Lies

Can there be any further doubt that we are living in an age of deception?

It shouldn't surprise us.  The Bible says that when people deny the Creator--which is made obvious to all men through creation--then their thinking becomes futile.

As you know, 99.9% of the people that run our media outlets have now come to believe that evolution (Mother nature) was solely responsible for all that we see!

They have purposefully convinced themselves that; NOTHING + NOBODY=EVERYTHING

Once a person believes this...they become fools.  Re-read Romans 1.

Chuck Todd, NBC's anchor of their premier Sunday morning show, "Meet The Press," has been passing whoppers as truth this week.

Not to be outdone, Pete Williams, another NBC news elite, joined the fray.

Pete Williams on MSNBC news channel said this:

"For example, just the recent shooting at the congressional baseball game here outside Washington, D.C. that wounded Steve Scalise and, you know, was a devastating attack on that institution… The authorities can never say for sure what drove the gunman in that case. His life was falling apart, he was experiencing financial problems, he was depressed. He came here, he said, hoping to talk to federal authorities in Washington about taxes, but why he targeted Republicans, what specifically he had in mind here, they have never answered that question."

"They didn't have to "answer that question," witnesses who were there answered it.

The Washington Free Beacon correctly reported that several eyewitnesses said the shooter asked specifically if the lawmakers at the baseball practice were Democrats or Republicans. When told they were Republicans, he began shooting them.

Rep. Steve Scalise and 2 US Capital police officers were wounded in the shooting.

Scalise returned to his office a few days ago after a long recovery. At the time he told the press he was thankful to the police officers and grateful to God for his survival. "It was God," he said.

There was never a question about why the shooter shot at the Republicans. Until Sunday on NBC.

Last Sunday NBC "Meet The Press" anchor Chuck Todd decided to take on Judge Roy Moore, who last week won the run-off Republican primary election in Alabama for the seat vacated by now US Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

During the campaign, Judge Moore, a devout Christian, had rightly said, "Our rights don't come from government, they don't come from the Bill of Rights, they come from Almighty God."

NBC wanted none of that. An enraged Chuck Todd labeled Moore's comments as nonsense.

He told his audience "[Moore] doesn't appear to believe in the Constitution as it's written," so now we have "a taste of what are very fundamentalist views that have gotten him removed from office, twice, as Alabama's chief justice."

It's true, Moore was removed from office over his insistence that a Ten Commandments Monument be placed on the courthouse grounds because he contended that the Commandments are the basis for American law.

The big lie, however, is that somehow it is "extremist" to believe that America's founding was based on the unalienable rights endowed to us by our Creator.

Chuck Todd surely knows this. This display is not of his ignorance---it's about his arrogance and his disagreement with the truth---and his undying desire to "remake America" into the secular state he and his fellow secular progressives want it to be.


Remember friends, let's all try to stay in God's Word every single day.  If we don't, WE could end up being swamped and taken in by the massive amounts of deception that the world is bathed in.

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