
Friday, October 27, 2017

Pregnant People

Just in case you hadn't gotten the PC's no longer acceptable to say the phrase, "Pregnant women" when you are describing a woman who is pregnant....because this could be offensive to people who are pregnant who may not be a woman.

A British government office cautioned against the use of the term “pregnant woman” in a U.N. treaty, saying that it “excludes” transgender people.

The Sunday Times reported that the country's Foreign and Commonwealth Office submission on proposed amendments to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights opposed the term because it may “exclude transgender people who have given birth.” The appropriate term, it says, is “pregnant people.”

Sarah Ditum, a feminist writer in England, told the Times:

This isn’t inclusion. This is making women unmentionable. Having a female body and knowing what that means for reproduction doesn’t make you “exclusionary.” Forcing us to decorously scrub out any reference to our sex on pain of being called bigots is an insult.

The treaty, which the UK joined in 1976, says that pregnant women must be given special protections, for instance not being subject to the death penalty, according to the Daily Mail.

This comes after Prime Minister Theresa May said last week that she is willing to allow individuals to self-certify their gender without providing medical documentation and would amend the Gender Recognition Act accordingly.


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