
Monday, November 6, 2017

Ancestry DNA Kit is Offensive

So I just paid $70 to have my Ancestry DNA done at a lab.  They sent me a tube and an envelope and you spit in the tube and send it back to them.  Hopefully in 6-8 weeks they will email you the results and tell you what percentage of what ethnicity you are.

I'm hopeful that I have some Jewish blood in me!!  : )

The instructions that come with the DNA kit are very clear.  They give you a verification code from the tube you are instructed to spit in and you need to get online and verify the code online.  They next ask you what year you were born in.  The next question that comes up is, WHAT SEX ARE YOU?  And the ONLY TWO CHOICES are MALE or FEMALE!!!

Can you even imagine a company getting away with this today??  What about the transsexuals, the transgenders, the queers and hermaphrodites??  This science lab only gives them TWO CHOICES of which they HAVE to identify as ONE or THE OTHER!!

I just wonder how long this Ancestry DNA is going to be able to stay in business when they purposely offend such a huge swath of this country??  When will the wrath of the LGBTQ fall upon them and force them out of business for their intolerant, racist, sexist, homophobic question?

"In the beginning God created them male and female.  Male and female He created them."

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