
Monday, November 13, 2017

Animals That Grow Forever

Here is something for you to ponder on your Monday afternoon.

Did you know that an iguana lizard will grow until it dies?  Did you know that a Kimono dragon lizard will grow until it dies?  Did you know that a crocodile will grow until it dies?

Which is true when it comes to animal growth?


A. Reach a particular size and then stop growing
B. Keep growing indefinitely
C. All of the above

If you guessed C, congratulations! The skeletons of most mammals reach a certain size and then stop growing. However, many animals, including some mammals, keep growing throughout their lives. Kangaroos, for example, just keep growing and growing until they die. Most fish, amphibians, lizards, and snakes are also indeterminate growers. Until something, disease, a predator, or old age-takes them down, these animals know no bounds when it comes to size.

Why don’t you regularly see dinosaur-sized lizards, fish and snakes? Part of it has to do with the law of the jungle, so to speak. Simply put, most animals are eaten or killed before they get really big. Also, the longer an animal lives the greater the chance it might catch some deadly disease. In short, most animals die or are killed before they reach truly gargantuan proportions.

Hmmmm....let's think about this....if we go back to the book of Genesis when God had created all things "good"....there were no deadly diseases for these lizards to catch.  Their DNA was almost perfect! 

Plus Genesis 5 clearly says that men were living to be over 900 years old back then.

So imagine if the crocodile or dragon lizard could live for 900 years?  Do you think that he may end up being the size of a T-Rex?

Of course the answer to that is "Yes!"

Please don't continue to believe the lie that humans evolved from monkeys and that the dinosaurs went extinct 160 million years ago.  It's simply not true.  Everything is simply living MUCH shorter lives do to our atmosphere and also the disease and corruption that has come into our bodies.

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