
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

God and a Man With a Gun Stopped Texas Shooter

By now all of you certainly are aware that on Sunday morning a man walked into a Baptist church in Texas and shot 26 people dead...all of whom were just sitting in worship.

The bodies hadn't even been counted and the reporters were there asking the Governor if this would be the time to talk about gun control?


So now today the news is coming out that this was a violent man who was discharged from the Air Force for criminal reasons.  The laws were already on the books that would have prevented him from legally buying a gun....but the Air Force made a mistake and forgot to send his records to the FBI.

It also seems the media isn't too focused on the fact that a neighbor with a rifle stepped up and shot this guy and prevented him from killing even more people.

Interesting how it always seems to take a good man with a gun to stop a bad man with a gun.

If you haven't already, you can read more about this "hero" who pulled out his rifle and ran towards the danger and stopped the shooting.  He says he thinks God protected him and gave him the skills necessary to stop this deranged killer.

Of course when a man drives a truck into a crowd and kills dozens, the liberals never think of putting restrictions on WHO can rent a truck.....but this is just one other HUGE divide that is pulling this country apart at the seems.

In reality, what we are witnessing in this country is what happens when a nation turns from God, mocks prayer to Him, teaches its children that all life came from nothing and then turns our young boys loose in the video game department to "play" all sorts of violent games that involve shooting other people.


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