
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Muslim Civil War Could Draw in Israel and USA

Is everyone aware that the Sunni Islamic nation of Saudi Arabia and the Shi'ite Muslim nation of Iran have been fighting a proxy war in Yemen?

Do we realize that the demons controlling Saudi Arabia have some type of beef with the demons controlling Iran?

People better start waking up and paying attention to what is happening in the Middle East, because the situation is becoming quite serious.  If things go badly, we could be facing a major regional war which would involve not only Saudi Arabia and Iran, but also potentially the United States and Israel.  

Yesterday, I quoted an article in the New York Times that warned that tensions between the Saudis and the Iranians were raising "the threat of a direct military clash between the two regional heavyweights".  And now Jake Novak of CNBC is saying that a "direct conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran, as opposed to the proxy war they're fighting in Yemen, looks inevitable."

I put those last two words in bold so that there wouldn't be any confusion.  In fact, Novak is warning that the Saudis "are marching ever closer towards a wider regional war".  

And over the past several days, events in Saudi Arabia and Lebanon have moved talk of war to the front burner...

First, the kingdom squarely blamed Iran for a missile attack on Riyadh from Yemen that was thwarted by the U.S.-made Patriot anti-missile system. The Saudis called that attack "direct military aggression by the Iranian regime and may be considered an act of war."

Second, the Saudis accused Lebanon of -- figuratively at least -- declaring "war" against it because of aggression from Hezbollah. That statement spurred even Saudi ally and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to publicly urge for calm.

And now Saudi Arabia has issued a notice for all it's citizens to leave Lebannon immediately.

Let's file this one under WARS AND RUMORS OF WAR

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