
Monday, November 20, 2017

Saudi Arabia and Israel? What is Going On?

Even the leftists at HuffPo can sense there is something new and strange going on when Israel and Saudi Arabia start to get close.

Saudi Arabia And Israel — What Is Going On?

General Gad Eizenkot, the IDF Chief of Staff is not the most media savvy Israeli general, in fact he was often been criticized in Israel for not being as open to the Israeli press as some of his predecessors have been, and surely has hardly been open to the foreign press. Yet, a few days ago, in his office in the heart of the Israeli defense establishment complex in Tel Aviv , he granted a long and detailed interview to a Saudi Arabian publication in London, ILAF, and it was a very revealing interview, nothing like a polite chit chat. The general was instructed by his political bosses, PM Netanyahu and Defense Minister Lieberman to be interviewed and be as open as possible, and the loyal soldier did exactly that. Just think about the scenario-Israeli Chief of Staff, Saudi publication, and the discussion is not about the Palestinians, but about the common enemy-Iran. Surreal scene if it happened just few years, maybe even months ago, but what is really even more astounding is the fact, that the unimaginable scene of the past, seems so logical these days.

A Saudi-Israeli honeymoon? A Wahabbi-Jewish reconciliation? Well, not really, rather a combination of two other developments, one which has been in motion for some years, and one which was set in motion very recently. The first has to do with a gradual change in Israel’s posture and role in Middle Eastern politics, from being the ultimate bogey man of Arab politics, the inevitable pariah, to being an actor in the overall Middle East political game, being a participant from within, and not the threat from the outside. A slow process, mostly not public, far from completion and maybe not even irreversible, but one which subtle Middle East observers could very well detect. It has been the result of the political upheavals in the Middle East, the repercussions of the Arab Spring, the civil wars and chronic mayhem in some Arab countries, but also the growing disillusionment with the Palestinians and their constant expectations from the Arab world to go on with the conflict with Israel, at a time when priorities in Cairo and Riyadh, for example , are so different altogether. It is not, as some delusional Right Wing Israelis think, that the Arabs have lost all their interest in and attachment to the Palestinian predicament, it is the sense, that more Arabs than ever before simply put this predicament in a lower place in their list of concerns. And sure enough, there is, of course, the Iranian Shi’i Empire in the building, a huge shadow being cast over the entire region, the mostly Sunni Muslim Arab region, and in particular, over Saudi Arabia. It is this shadow, which may have precipitated, though not created, the sense in the Saudi royal family that a change has to occur in the Kingdom, and the sooner the better, perhaps even the quickest the best. This blog has widely discussed and analyzed the rise of Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman, in fact the urgent, near panicky pace of his rise and changes. He does not need me to remind him, that, as the Arabs say, the haste is from the Devil, but he is in full speed and gear, that is to say, that he feels, that the danger from the East is acute, and the solution should accordingly be unprecedented. The Crown Prince wants to stem the rise of the Shi’i crescent, he wants to stop Iran, he wants to defeat Iran, and for that he needs allies. He knows, that Saudi Arabia alone cannot do it, probably he realizes what has been known for many outsiders for a long time, that his armed forces are weak, ineffectual and maybe even lacking morale. Money has been heavily invested, but even in Saudi Arabia they discover, much to their chagrin, that money is not everything. So, if allies are the subject of the search, surely there is Egypt, the Gulf sheikhdoms, excluding the naughty Qataris, and then the US? Obama was not there for the Saudis, who were not impressed with the humiliating bow of the newly-elected President to the late King Abdallah, and Trump runs a chaotic foreign policy, strong on words and weak on actions. So, is it to be Israel? Can it be Israel?

There is an old Arab saying, "My enemies enemy is my friend."  Since Saudi Arabia and Israel are both at or near war with Iran...this could be a very natural outcome.

Iran is not made up of Arabs, but Persians who are Shi'ite Muslims.

Just like the Bible said would happen in the Last Days....ALL the eyes of the world are on teeny, tiny little Israel which consists of a tiny sliver of land and 7 million people.

If you want proof of God....look no further than the modern miracle of Israel.

Hosea 3
Afterward the Israelites will return and seek the Lord their God and David their king. They will come trembling to the Lord and to his blessings in the last days.

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