
Monday, November 13, 2017

USA Rejecting God and Seeing Consequences

Have you ever wondered why we never heard of school shootings, church shooting, Muslim truck attacks, women teachers having sex with young boys even 20 years ago?

It's because they didn't exist. 

Sure, there have always been perverts...but they were always men,

And of course there have always been bullies....but bullied kids never dreamed of taking a gun or bomb to school and killing everyone they could.

So what's going on?

The recent Texas church shooting, the terrorist driving a truck through a crowd in New York City, and the Las Vegas massacre may seem shocking – but to anyone who has been paying attention, they should not.

Our culture is undergoing a hostile takeover. American society used to be governed by Judeo-Christian do-unto-others morals. But we have drifted (been pushed, really) into a hedonistic YOLO (You Only Live Once) cultural morass. The upshot of this is a distinct lack of respect for human life in general, as well as a pervasive, insidious obsession with self.

This is the “me” generation, the “selfie” culture, the “entitlement” mentality. And what is entitlement, except the narcissistic assumption of deserving and demanding what is not earned?

Our cultural crisis is exhibited by egotistic multimillionaires demonstrating on football fields against the police instead of seeking solutions to rampant inner-city violence; coddled young people demanding free birth control and socialized health care; and even the major media ignoring the corruption trial of Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J.

Another example of the crisis is the lack of attention the mainstream media are paying to the Clintons’ collusion to sell Russia 20 percent of U.S. uranium.

We’ve replaced our moral imperative to do what’s right with a personal obsession of what’s in it for ME?

But no amount of self-love can fill the God-shaped hole in someone’s heart. We are created and called to love each other, and no self-absorbed spa treatment or Instagram post can supplant our innate yearning for love from God.

The spirit of our time is gradually revealing in our culture a subversive, resolute, and increasing hatred toward God and Christianity, and an irresistible temptation toward evil that betrays man’s innate desire for power: a longing to be God.

The Harvey Weinsteins of the world (and they are myriad, both in Hollywood and out) seek to force others to do their will, much like they envision a capricious God would be, if they believed in such a being.

It is much easier, however, to deny God than to acknowledge him. God, being good, condemns evil-doers. So, like a child throwing a tantrum in a toy store, some people must deny the existence of God and his inherent goodness, and lord their power over weaker people. “I can make you watch me shower.”

No, I'm not surprised.

There will be another shooting next month, another 50,000 people will die of heroin overdoses, another million babies will be murdered in their mother's womb, another 15 female teachers will be arrested for sex with boys or girls...and another 1000 churches will go up for sale and be converted to apartments or retail space.

Do you think it's going to get better?  Do you think that America is on the verge of another GREAT REVIVAL?

I don't see it., and I can't find it in scripture.

How long will this most recent love affair with our big trucks, big houses and big credit cards actually last?

We have no idea.  But don't be surprised when it all comes crashing down on our heads.

False idols never last forever.

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