
Friday, December 1, 2017

Burqas Are Dangerous

In many Muslim countries the men MAKE the women wear black curtains that cover their entire bodies including their face. All you can see of the women is their eyes.  We recently saw a woman wearing one and she had sunglasses on over her burqa-eye-slit....and it reminded us of Cousin It from the Adam's family.

So while the Muslim men use mandatory burqa rules as a control method...burqas can be dangerous because they could be hiding men under them AND because they can conceal guns and bombs.

It would be interesting to see how many people have been blown up and killed by Muslims wearing burqas in the past 20 years.

Burqa-clad suicide bombers storm student dorm in Pakistan; 9 killed

Burqa-clad suicide bombers killed nine people as they stormed a government complex in Pakistan during a national holiday Friday. At least 37 others were injured in the attack, according to police.

The attackers reached the gates of an institute for agricultural training and research in Peshawar by rickshaw before opening fire and breaking into buildings, according to police chief Sajjad Khan.

They exchanged fire with police and troops before targeting a dormitory for students and teachers at the site.

"Three suicide bombers armed with AK-47 assault rifles and hand grenades entered the hostel and opened fire on the students before triggering their explosives-filled jackets," the police chief said.

He added that the three were killed during the attack, which was claimed by the Pakistani Taliban.

A loud explosion was heard at the complex some 20 miles from the border with Afghanistan. TV footage later showed building walls riddled with bullets holes and blood stains, and broken glass scattered on the floor.

"These terrorists have no religion as they attacked on a day which is very sacred and the nation was celebrating it," he said.

The Taliban took responsibility for the onslaught, saying it had targeted a dormitory housing Pakistan security services officials.

Peshawar has been the scene of some of the worst violence during the years of an insurgency by the Pakistani Taliban. More than 140 students and teachers were killed when Taliban gunmen wearing suicide vests attacked the Army Public School in Peshawar in 2014.

Ummmm....I think those terrorists DID have a religion.  Why else would someone END THEIR LIVES if not for a cause?  And in this case their cause was to glorify their god, Allah.  No doubt they also hope to be getting drunk and screwing virgins in heaven later that day.

And of course the double-whamy of danger would be if you heard "Allahu Akbar!" being screamed by a person running in a burqa.  You would be well advised to run in the opposite direction.

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