
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Church Holds “Inclusive” Party for Muhammad and Jesus

As Europe continues to appease Muslims and deny the exclusivity of Christ....we find this headline.

The theological fur is flying after a Church of England congregation hosted a joint birthday celebration for Muhammad and Jesus, with the church being accused of rejecting the fundamentals of the Christian faith.

The "Milad, Advent and Christmas Celebration" took place Sunday, Dec. 3, at All Saints Church in Kingston upon Thames and was organized with the Kingston Inter-Faith Forum and the South London Inter-Faith Group.
Milad, or Milwad, is the celebration of Muhammad's birth.

The Bible says that in the very last days there will be a joining of religions and that all people will ultimately worship the beast of Revelation.

What we are seeing today is a movement by "Christians" to link themselves together with Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Mormons and other religions that certainly are not following the teachings of Christ.

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