
Monday, December 4, 2017

Here Comes Jerusalem as the City That Makes the Surrounding People's Reel

 Wow!  Talk about Jerusalem being in the news almost every day!  Check out this CNN headline!

State Dept. told to plan for potential protests after Jerusalem embassy announcement

The State Department's security arm has been told to plan for potentially violent protests at US embassies and consulates once the Trump administration announces it is moving the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

"We were told that this is definitely coming, and we need to be ready for it," one official said.

President Donald Trump could announce as early as Tuesday that the US recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital, US officials with direct knowledge of the matter and foreign diplomats have told CNN. Upon making the decision public, Trump is expected to sign a waiver to keep the US embassy in Tel Aviv for another six months, but say his administration will move the diplomatic mission to Jerusalem at some point — a goal long sought by Israel.

The Diplomatic Security Service, which is charged with protecting US posts and personnel overseas, was already bracing for possible protests after Trump retweeted anti-Muslim videos on Wednesday. Officials feared a reprise of the violent protests at US embassies in the Middle East that erupted in September 2012 following the publication of an anti-Muslim video on the internet. Embassies in that region were already on high security alert.

A White House official confirmed that the White House was alerted to those concerns by the State Department.

Of course it makes ZERO logical sense that the rest of the world should give a rip about where the capital is of a tiny country of 7 million people sitting on a sliver of land!  But yet they totally do!  Billions of folks are seeing this news in the headlines of their country as MAJOR NEWS!

You can ONLY make sense of this when you read your Bible and understand that Jerusalem is the center of the world and is God's Holy city.  And of course the world hates God, Israel and the Jews...because the whole world is under the control of the Evil One.

Zechariah 12
“I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem.  On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.

And yes, the Muslims surrounding Israel are especially REELING as the rumors build that Trump could move the US embassy to Jerusalem.

Check out this headline and article;

Report: US to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital, Palestinians Threaten Violence

Israel’s Channel 2, meanwhile, reported on Wednesday that Israeli government officials believe it is extremely likely that Trump would announce the embassy move in the coming days.

In a speech on Tuesday marking the 70th anniversary of United Nations Resolution 181, which endorsed the establishment of a Jewish state in what was then British Mandatory Palestine, Vice President Mike Pence said that Trump is “actively considering” moving the embassy.

Trump on June 1 signed a waiver to keep the US embassy in Tel Aviv. The president now faces a December 1 deadline to decide whether or not to sign a waiver for an additional six months.

Palestinians Threaten Terrorism

Responding to the reports, the Palestinians are threatening violence.

Palestinian spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh said on Friday that a US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel or moving its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem are “equally dangerous to the future of the peace process and would take the region into the square of instability.”


Oh well...what's new?  The Muslims are threatening violence if the US does this?  Since WHEN does the US consider threats from a morally lost people group when making a decision?  I mean, come on!  These are the same people that name their elementary schools after terrorists who blow themselves up killing innocent people who happen to disagree with their fantasy world view!  And some think we should consider their threats?

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