
Thursday, December 28, 2017

Israel to Name Train Station After President Trump

There can no longer be any doubt that President Trump has been the best President when it comes to our relations with Israel.

After 8 years of Obama favoring the lies of Arabs, Persians and is truly refreshing to see what Trump is doing to restore our relations with God's nation, Israel.

A train station that will be built not far from the Western Wall will be named after US President Donald Trump.

Transportation Minister Israel Katz said on Wednesday: “The Western Wall is the holiest place for the Jewish people, and I decided to name the train station that leads to it after President Trump – following his historic and brave decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”

Katz approved the construction plans. They will include a 3-km. tunnel from the nearly completed Uma (nation) station, which will be named after late president Yitzhak Navon and is near the Jerusalem Central Bus Station, to the Cardo in the Old City’s Jewish Quarter, not far from the Western Wall.

In between the Uma/Navon station and the Jewish Quarter stop, there will be a station in downtown Jerusalem, at the intersection of King George and Jaffa roads.

Katz said that he sees the project of extending the length of the railway from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as the most important national project, and ordered officials in the Transportation Ministry to define it as a top priority.


Keep praying for Trump, Pence and this nation!  They are going against some serious God-hating, Bible-scoffing leftists who are doing everything in their power to tear him down.

Remember that the prayers of the righteous can accomplish much.

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