
Monday, December 11, 2017

Muslim Blows Himself Up in NYC and Mayor Thanks God

Leftists are so sometimes makes my head hurt.

As a Muslim was attempting to blow himself up and kill as many innocents as possible...we have the NYC liberal Mayor saying;

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio called the explosion an "attempted terror attack" and said there were no additional known incidents.

"Thank God the perpetrator did not achieve his ultimate goals. Thank God our first responders were there so quickly to address the situation," 


So wait....the bomber WAS PRAYING to his god that the bomb would go off and cause unimaginable death and destruction.  His god is a demon-god they call Allah.  Also the god that ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas, Boko Haram, Taliban, Al Qiada and every other Islamic terror group prays to.

But the Mayor wants to thank God that it didn't go off so as to achieve the bomber's ultimate goals?

So Mayor Bill, IF you do actually pray?  Who are you praying to? 

Newsflash to liberal-leftists;  ALL GODS ARE NOT THE SAME GOD! 

There is ONLY one true God and that would be the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel).  All others are false gods who report to Satan.

"You are either FOR me or AGAINST me."--Jesus


  1. Next time we see each other at church I need to get your email address...but in lieu of that here is an interesting story on how Facebook is ripping apart our society.

  2. My comment is actually on Dave Gust's comment!
    I heard on the radio a few days ago that in 2012 the suicide rate among teens rose 30% !!! That is a horribly huge and sudden rise. Some connected it with the fact that in 2012 smart phones became commonplace for teens. To me that includes facebook and other social networks.
