
Thursday, December 14, 2017

Stealing Bitcoins to Fund Rocket Man’s Nukes?

We have wondered where Rocket Man of North Korea is getting his money for all these high priced nukes and missiles?

Maybe he is stealing bitcoin?

North Korean hackers may be targeting South Korean bitcoins, according to CNN.

The news network reports they appear to be amassing the cryptocurrency by a combination of threats, theft and “mining,” which refers to the process of creating bitcoins by solving complex mathematical problems online. South Korean police told CNN that in July and August of this year employees at four exchanges that trade bitcoins received “malicious” emails.

The precise nature of those emails is unclear, but reports suggest that some may have contained ransom demands. As outlets like Forbes have explained, hackers linked to North Korea have been acquiring bitcoins by using “ransomware,” which is malware (malicious software) that targets a victim’s data and essentially holds it hostage until a ransom—in these cases, a bitcoin ransom—is paid.

"It is a fact that North Korea has been attacking virtual currency exchanges," Lee Dong-geun, a director with South Korea's state-run Korea Internet and Security Agency, told CNN. "We don't know how much North Korea has stolen so far, but we do know that the police have confirmed the regime's hacking attempts."

Bryce Boland, a Singapore-based chief technology officer with cybersecurity firm FireEye, told CNN that North Korea is likely training large numbers of bitcoin experts, which would mean such attacks will increase.

"They could do those transactions very quickly ... and avoid traceability of the cash," Boland told CNN.

Clearly, the future world leader is going to have to get control of the monetary system!  We can't have hackers stealing money and using it for nefarious purposes!  And we can't have drug lords and sex traffickers using cash that's untraceable!!

Hey!  Here is an idea.....let's make everyone get a mark on their forehead or arm that has to be swiped in front of a scanner in order to BUY OR SELL ANYTHING!!

Revelation 13
16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

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