
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Second Coming Brought to you by--Who Else? Donald Trump

Here is an article plucked off of Yahoo News.

As you read it, see if you can catch the sneering and mocking by the author.

Anyone happen to know where I can get hold of 13 young bullocks, two rams and 14 yearling lambs without blemish? (let the mocking begin!)

I’m asking in order to prepare for the construction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem, as prophesied in the Bible, a precondition for the end times and the Rapture and the Second Coming, all set in motion by a proclamation from Donald Trump.

A lot has been written in the past week about the geopolitical implications of Trump’s announcement that the United States, departing from most of the rest of the world, would recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and begin the process of relocating its embassy there. Most of the Israeli political establishment — from the far-right parties to the center left — greeted it enthusiastically; the Palestinians, who want Jerusalem, or some of it, for the capital of their own future state, were angry, warning it could spark another uprising, or intifada. But few were as excited by the news as Trump’s own evangelical supporters in America, who greeted the announcement, I think one can say, rapturously.

“Now, I don’t know about you, but when I heard about Jerusalem, where the King of Kings — where our soon-coming king — is coming back to Jerusalem, it is because President Trump declared Jerusalem to be capital of Israel.” That was a Florida state senator named Doug Broxson, introducing Trump at a rally in Pensacola, Fla., Friday night, cheered by a large crowd of believers eager to get on with the thousand-year reign of Jesus they were promised in Sunday school.

And who doubts that this is within Trump’s power? Not Trump himself, who had boasted a few days earlier that under his administration, “Christmas is back, bigger and better than ever before.” Most Christians, I imagine, think that it would be pretty hard to improve on the first one, but Trump has never been one to refrain from blowing his own trumpet.

In the days after Trump’s announcement, Diana Butler Bass, a historian and authority on evangelical Christianity in America, sent out a series of tweets that laid out in simple terms what all this means to the tens of millions of his most ardent followers:


I'm going to make a huge bet that lots and lots of folks in Noah's day were also sneering and mocking at him as he faithfully spent 120 years building an ark.

They knew NOTHING of what was coming until the flood waters carrying them all away to their destruction.

Jesus said it will be "as it was in the Days of Noah".

These mocking brutes know NOTHING of The Great Tribulation that will also carry them away to their destruction...and yet the signs of the coming Tribulation are literally everywhere.

2 Thess. 1
They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might

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