
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Turkey Says Jerusalem Capital of Israel is Red Line for Muslims

The news continues to be enthralled with Trump's possible decision to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem.

The President of Turkey has said that if this happens it will be a "red line" for Muslims.

Ummmm....what's new?  Everything seems to be a red line for Muslims.  If you disagree with their fake news on their claim to Jerusalem, they will threaten war.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned the Trump administration on Tuesday that recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is a “red line” for Muslims.

Erdogan, while speaking to Parliament, said such a step by President Trump would force Turkey to cut off all diplomatic ties with Israel. He pledged to rally other Muslim countries to oppose any move to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The White House has been considering recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel despite growing calls from the Middle East and Europe to reconsider the move. The possible recognition might come this week.

Turkey is among the latest nations to publicly voice their opposition to the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish State, with some saying it will hinder the possibility of the peace settlement between Israel and the Palestinians and will be an insult to the Muslim world.

Uh oh....we certainly don't want to offend the Muslim world!!  They might start screaming Allahu Akbar! and drive trucks into crowds or blow themselves up while killing innocent people in a night club!

Let me tell you something....if Donald Trump DOES decide to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, his name will go down in Bible history as the dude who pulled the trigger on a MAJOR prophetic event. 

Let's pray that he does EXACTLY that!

"I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you."

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