
Thursday, January 18, 2018

Bitcoin...Preparing for The Mark of the Beast

Revelation tells us that one day everyone on earth will need some type of mark on their arm or forehead in order to buy or sell anything.

That means that they won't be able to use a $20 bill...hence only a cashless society.

For the first time in human history we now have the technology available to make a cashless society a reality.

And of course Bitcoin and numerous other cashless currencies have been in the headlines on an almost daily basis.

Preparing The Way For The Mark Of The Beast? Bitcoin & Bible Prophecy

2017 ended with Bitcoin making daily headlines. If you're not familiar with Bitcoin, it's a specific type of cryptocurrency (a secure digital currency). It made daily headlines mostly due to the mania surrounding its steep rise in price. 

Why are so many people euphoric about Bitcoin? Many think it will replace the U.S. dollar. They say it's the future of money. Others say Bitcoin is worthless, and its price run-up is a bubble certain to burst. So which one is it? Is Bitcoin the future or a passing fad? I don't know. Time will tell. 

However, I do know this. Cryptocurrencies and electronic transactions will dominate the future. And many believe the technology behind Bitcoin will be the reason that happens. So what is this technology? It's called blockchain, and many believe it's the future of financial transactions.

Blockchain Transactions

So what is blockchain? In simple terms, blockchain is a growing online record. Here's a simplified example. Let's say Citizen A agrees to buy a product from Citizen B using Bitcoin. When he does, the blockchain records the transfer of the Bitcoin from Citizen A to Citizen B. 

So a central bank can't print more Bitcoins and destroy their value. Many also believe Bitcoin offers a greater level of privacy protection and anonymity. Why? Because even though blockchain records are public, each transaction is tied to an online address rather than any information related to a person's identity. 

Because of these benefits, many people believe Bitcoin (or perhaps some other cryptocurrency) will become the money of the future. Is this realistic? Yes. I think so. First, the decentralized nature of blockchain records make their transactions more secure. 

And as more and more business is conducted online, people will demand greater levels of security. Second, all paper money will soon be obsolete. And when that happens, cryptocurrencies will be the most efficient and convenient alternative.

The End of Paper Money

Whether it's blockchain-backed cryptocurrencies or some other form of electronic currency, paper money will soon disappear. It won't just fall out of favor due to inconvenience. Outside of museum showcases, it will disappear forever. How can I be so sure? Because counterfeiting will soon be impossible to prevent. Advanced technology makes it certain.

New technologies will soon lead to desktop printing of 3D objects where every molecule is perfectly positioned. With such technologies, we can't stop counterfeiters. They'll flood the world with perfect copies of every national currency. 


So here's the deal people....IF we can see a cashless society coming to us in the very near is one more sign that we are approaching the end of the age...and this age ends at the rapture of the church.

So this should motivate all of us with a sense of urgency to spread the Gospel of Jesus every chance we can get!

Jesus is not going to ask us how big our house was or what kinds of cars we drove while we were on earth...but He will ask us what we did for the kingdom AFTER we accepted His free offer of salvation.  What did we do with the gifts and resources that He gave us?

Let's stay busy!

"When you see ALL THESE THINGS beginning to happen, then lift up your heads, for your redemption is near."--Jesus

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