
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Most Americans Now Say Christmas Isn’t a Religious Holiday

If you ever doubt the stupidity that is prevalent in the majority of Americans....look no further than this NY Times article.

Is Christmas a Religious Holiday? A Growing Number of Americans Say No

Combatants in the annual “War on Christmas” have some new data to chew on, thanks to a survey released this week by the Pew Research Center.

While many doubt that Christmas is embattled, as some conservative pundits contend, the new study does suggest American attitudes are changing.

The Pew study, based on interviews conducted in recent weeks with 1,503 adults, found that while a vast majority of Americans still celebrate Christmas, most find the religious elements of the holiday are emphasized less than in the past — and few of them care about that change.

Like much else in the United States, a strong partisan divide runs through the survey results, with responses from Republicans seeming to place an emphasis on religion and those from Democrats on secularism.

But the data complicate efforts to portray Christmas as either in mortal danger or in no trouble at all, a central issue in a yearslong debate over whether Christmas in America respects Christianity or has been undermined by liberalism.

The Bible story

The most seismic change captured by the survey, from a theological standpoint, may be the declining number of people who said they believed the biblical story of Christmas accurately reflected historical events.

The survey asked respondents about their belief in four parts of the biblical Christmas story: that an angel heralded the birth of Jesus; that it was a virgin birth; that wise men were guided to baby Jesus by a star; and that he was placed in a manger.

Only 57 percent of Americans believe in all four, down from 65 percent in 2014. There were two factors that contributed to the trend, researchers said. One was that atheists and the religiously unaffiliated appeared even less likely now than in the past to believe the story of Jesus’ birth. The second was “a small but significant decline” of roughly 5 percent “in the share of Christians who believe in the Christmas narrative contained in the Bible.”

Holy smokes people!!  The word CHRIST is right in the word CHRISTMAS!!!  How can you be so stupid as to believe that CHRISTMAS has nothing to do with the RELIGION OF CHRIST??

And so the most amazing miracle in the history of the universe....GOD HUMBLING HIMSELF TO BECOME GOD IN HUMAN FLESH, EMMANUEL....has been reduced by most Americans to Happy Holidays!!  A time to run to the store to buy a bunch of crap for you and your family that you don't need, most can't afford and that will most likely be in a landfill a year from now.

No wonder the same majority of Americans find themselves depressed around Christmas!!  They have NO REASON FOR THE SEASON!!

Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they are doing.

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