
Monday, January 22, 2018

Navy Fighter Pilot Describes UFO Encounter

As I said in a previous post, the articles that are appearing in the headlines regarding UFO's and "aliens" are happening on an almost daily basis.

Here is one more for today.

This former Navy pilot, who once chased a UFO, says we should take them seriously

David Fravor is a recognizable type. Affable, neatly dressed, with a men’s regular haircut and semi-rimless glasses, he’s a retired military man who works as a consultant in the Boston area. He could be standing in front of you in a Starbucks line and you wouldn’t notice him at all.

But the story he has to tell is literally out of this world.

By Martin Finucane GLOBE STAFF  JANUARY 16, 2018
David Fravor is a recognizable type. Affable, neatly dressed, with a men’s regular haircut and semi-rimless glasses, he’s a retired military man who works as a consultant in the Boston area. He could be standing in front of you in a Starbucks line and you wouldn’t notice him at all.

But the story he has to tell is literally out of this world.

Thirteen years ago, the Windham, N.H., resident was a veteran US Navy pilot at the controls of an F/A-18-F fighter jet flying off San Diego when he sighted an unidentified flying object and tried to intercept it.

“I want to join on it. I want to see how close I can get to it,” Fravor, 53, said, describing his thinking as he began the pursuit.

Then the object, which looked like a 4o-foot-long Tic Tac candy, “goes whoosh, and it’s gone.” he said. It accelerated rapidly and disappeared like no aircraft he had ever seen in his career.

Fravor has been in the news recently after the New York Times broke the story that the Pentagon had a secret program that investigated reports of UFOs. The Defense Department says it closed down the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program in 2012 after five years, but the program’s backers say it remains in existence, investigating UFO reports from service members while carrying out other duties.

The story of Fravor’s close encounter accompanied the expose, illustrating the kinds of UFO stories that are hard to explain away.

“I know what I saw,” said Fravor.

Please note that this report is not coming from some dude eating Cheetoes in his mom's basement while playing's from a highly trained fighter pilot.

Its as if the world is being prepared to accept the idea that there are highly evolved life forms that are visiting us from far away galaxies....when in reality the Bible would point to the idea that they are actually nothing more than demons in disguise.

To me, this is just one more sign that we must be getting mighty close to The Great Tribulation....a time when God himself will allow a "great delusion" to encompass those people who are left behind to endure it.

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