
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Paving the Way for the Third Temple

There are some Christians who read Bible prophecy and say, "There isn't going to be any 3rd Temple in Jerusalem...because the Temple of God is now dwelling in us!"

I'm not sure where they get that idea because the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem has NOTHING to do with followers of Christ and has everything to do with the Jews who never accepted Christ and are yearning to implement animal sacrifice as atonement for their sins.

Make sense?

Today we find even more talk about the nearness of the 3rd Temple being built.

The Holiest Police in the World Paving the Way for the Third Jewish Temple

In order to secure US Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to the Western Wall on Tuesday, the Israeli Police placed that area of Jerusalem on lockdown, closing off the Western Wall and its surroundings to both vehicles and pedestrians for four hours. However, in an extremely unprecedented move, Amit Branchuk, the police officer in charge of the Temple Mount entrance, went around to the roadblocks and personally accompanied any Jew who wanted to ascend the Temple Mount at that time.

Vice President Pence paid a short, 15-minute visit to the Western Wall on Tuesday but the security preparations effectively prevented anyone who wanted to pray at the Western Wall from doing so for several hours. For Jews who wanted to visit the Temple Mount, the security measures could have caused them to miss the small window of time allotted for Jews and other non-Muslims to ascend.

Much to the surprise of the visitors, Branchuk made a tour of the roadblocks, searching for people who wanted to visit the Temple Mount. Branchuk also accompanied those Jews to the Temple Mount entrance. When they arrived, they were pleased to see the compound was almost entirely vacant, removing any concern of there being large crowds of protesting Muslims.

Shimshon Elboim, a Temple Mount activist, praised Branchuk’s actions, telling Breaking Israel News that they were part of a growing trend in which the Israeli police, led by Jerusalem Police Chief Yoram Halevi, are becoming more supportive and accepting of an increasing Jewish presence on the Temple Mount.

One day, after all the followers of Christ have been removed from earth via the rapture, the Antichrist will sit in the 3rd Temple and most likely will declare himself to be God.  Jesus tells the Jews of that day that they better run fast when they see that happen, because the Antichrist, whom the Jews will originally accept, will lay out a plan to kill them all.

All this news about a 3rd Temple should be one other sign to us that planet earth is fast approaching the Great Tribulation...a time that will be so bad that Jesus tells us NO FLESH WOULD SURVIVE IT if He didn't return at the final battle of Armageddon to cut those days short.

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