
Friday, January 12, 2018

Pot Churches Spring Up in the Land of Fruit and Nuts

So what could be wrong with getting stoned on pot with your pastor at church and then summoning the "spirit of weed" and believing that Jesus will answer you?
SAN JOSE, Calif. — Services at the Coachella Valley Church begin and end with the Lord’s Prayer.
In between, there is the sacrament.
“Breathe deep and blow harder,” intoned Pastor Grant Atwell after distributing small marijuana joints to 20 worshipers on a recent Sunday afternoon. “Nail the insight down, whether you get it from marijuana or prayer. Consider what in your own life you are thankful for.”
A middle-aged man wearing a “Jesus Loves You” baseball cap piped up. “Thank you, God, for the weed,” he called out. “I’m thankful for the spirit of cannabis,” a woman echoed from the back. “I am grateful to be alive,” said another young woman, adding that she had recently overdosed — on what, she did not say — for the third time.
The small room, painted black and gold and decorated with crosses and Rastafarian symbols, filled with pungent smoke after an hour-long service of Christian prayers, self-help slogans and inspirational quotes led by Atwell, a Campbell, Calif., massage therapist and photographer.
Despite its mainstream Christian trappings, the Coachella Valley Church describes itself as a Rastafarian church, something that’s tough to define. Rastafari is a political and religious movement that originated in Jamaica. Combining elements of Christianity, pan-Africanism and mysticism, the movement has no central authority. Adherents use marijuana in their rituals.
In the last days men will surround themselves with teachers who tell them what they want to hear!  And certainly this "pastor" who hands out joints to get his congregation stoned on the spirit of cannabis will one day have to bow at Jesus feet and give an explanation for why he purposely led these people astray.
Hat tip to Kevin W.

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