
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Turkey Draws Closer to Open Confrontation With US Troops

Turkey has turned into a nation which very few other nations actually like.

There is NO CHANCE they are going to get into the European Union, and that was publicly reported last week.

Saudis and other Arabs don't like them.

I guess that leaves Russia and Iran to try and be buddies with them.

Today we read that Turkey drew close to open confrontation with U.S.-backed Kurdish troops in Syria.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Washington of establishing an “army of terror” along the Turkish border, as his country drew closer to open confrontation with U.S.-backed Kurdish troops in neighboring Syria.

Erdogan, who regards the Kurdish fighters as affiliates of Turkish Kurds battling for autonomy in Turkey’s southeast, said Monday that a Turkish offensive in the Kurdish-controlled town of Afrin in northern Syria was imminent. The spark for the campaign is a new U.S.-backed plan to turn thousands of Syrian Kurds who fought Islamic State into border guards in areas they control along Turkey’s frontier. 

Turkey is afraid the Syrian Kurdish fighters’ incorporation into the force will give them cover to stage attacks on Turkey. It also says it will further their aim to consolidate a single autonomous region including Afrin along the Turkish frontier, and embolden PKK separatists the Turkish military has been fighting for more than three decades. Turkish military reinforcements were moved into the Afrin area over the weekend, state-run Anadolu news agency reported. 

“Turkey will suffocate this terror army before it’s born,” Erdogan said. “Our preparations have been completed. The operation is due to start any moment. After that, other regions will follow.”

Of course USA under POTUS Trump has been wildly supportive of Israel.  Turkey can't stand Israel it's no surprise that Turkey isn't going to be real fond of USA.

Also with Ezekiel 38 fomenting, we would be surprised if Turkey WASN'T heading away from America and all that we stand for.

If we like Kurds....they hate them.

If we like Israel....they hate them.

If we have bad relations with Russia....they like Russia.

If we have bad relations with Iran.....they like Iran.

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