
Friday, February 23, 2018

7 Simple Steps to Eliminate School Shootings

After another school shooting, the left is rolling out more stupid ideas about how to prevent mass shootings in schools.

Here are 7 simple steps that could work and that you can use at the water cooler if the discussion comes up.

After days of bitter hurt, anger, deep savage argument, and plenty of non-thinking social media trolls blurting whatever comes to mind through their thumbs, it’s time we as Americans begin a genuine discussion about how to stop the next school shooting from occurring.

It’s important that we do this even though gun deaths are by no means the most dangerous form of death in America today.

In 2017, with 300,000,000-plus guns in the hands of Americans, there were 15,549 gun deaths. This ranks less than half the number of automobile deaths even though there are fewer cars in existence than guns. In 2017, there were 253,000,000 cars in existence and 41,000 auto deaths.

1. Metal Detectors In Every School: This maintains such common sense it's impossible to believe that it doesn’t already happen. This is a bigger failure in the era of post-Columbine than the popularity of the AR-15. How do the largest schools in our nation (Stoneman Douglas is one of the largest at over 3,000 students) not have access points controlled through a metal detector daily? Our courts, government buildings, airports, sports stadiums, conventions, and plenty of other public gatherings demand them.

2. Enforce Everything: Oddly those calling for more laws to be added to the already overly tufted books of law regarding firearms may not realize just how many laws already exist. Simple enforcement of existing laws would cut down on uncounted numbers of people owning guns, possessing guns, and utilizing guns. This is particularly true in the area of those with mental health issues. Begin doing what laws already state must be done, and do so like our children’s lives depend on it.

See the rest here;

Prescribed drugs and painkillers are great things for all of humanity!  But of course 40,000 Americans are going to die this year from opioid overdoses.  Do the liberals think we should ban drugs all together to save those 40,000 deaths?

Of course not.

Bible readers know that guns aren't the problem.  Our society has numerous problems....and the mass shootings we are witnessing are simply one of the manifestations of a society that is sliding away from our Judeo/Christian values and heritage.

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