
Friday, February 9, 2018

Does America Have a Porn Addiction?

There is a massive porn site called PORN HUB which tracks all sorts of information about the people looking at their site.  They know the stats of what state, what time and even what sex has logged in to view their content.

It seems that Porn Hub also tracks how sporting events affect their regular flow of traffic.  According to their statisticians, during the Super Bowl America's porn watching took a dip.  But as soon as the game was over Americans immediately logged back into Pron Hub...males and females!

Also of interest is that the top day of the week for viewing porn in America is....Sunday.

Not too many years ago, Americans went to church on Sunday morning, then spent the day at rest and then went back to church at night for prayer and hymn sings.

Today Americans would rather stay home and feast on perversion and lust.

New England Patriots Fans Turned To Porn After Stunning Super Bowl Loss

On Monday, Pornhub’s statisticians were busy computing the numbers behind the web site’s internet traffic after Super Bowl LII on Sunday, February 4th. The unexpected result: New England Patriot fans apparently turned to porn to ease the pain after their team’s stunning loss to the Philadelphia Eagles.

As America’s game kicked off from 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm Eastern Time, Pornhub’s statisticians noted, “across the United States traffic dropped an average of -24 percent” below the typical average for  Sunday. Around 9 pm, a further decline in porn watching occurred with the largest drop of -28 percent, while the eyes of Americans were glued to their 60 Inch LED TV that was, of course, purchased on credit. After the game, football fans rushed back to their computers, mobile devices, and fancy tablets with a +9 percent surge above the average levels for 11 pm. Statisticians said Sunday around 11 pm is Pornhub’s highest traffic time of the week, so a +9 percent move is quite impressive. 

Across the entire country, game-day traffic declined, but the percentage differed depending on the state and or region. Here is what the statisticians had to say: 

The nation’s most dedicated football fans were from Delaware, where traffic dropped by -45% between 6pm and 11pm. Elsewhere on the East Coast, traffic dropped by -43% in Rhode Island, -42% in Massachusetts and -41% in Pennsylvania. That’s quite understandable seeing as both teams were from Eastern states. The smallest traffic changes happened in Kansas (-11%), Nevada (-12%) and Alabama (-14%).  

Traffic declines were similar in both Philadelphia and Boston during most of the game, though, Eagles fans delayed the ole’ cleaning of the pipes a bit longer, with their biggest traffic drop of -58 percent at 10 pm. 

Late in the fourth quarter, Philadelphia Eagles defense made a huge play to secure Super Bowl LII victory, with Brandon Graham strip-sacking Tom Brady to help seal the 41-33 win. As soon as that occurred, Boston was already rushing back to Pornhub, where traffic surged +28 percent above normal in the hours following the defeat.

Based on Pornhub’s Google Analytics data, their statisticians found that U.S. male traffic data declined by -30 percent while U.S. female traffic data declined by -22 percent at the climax of the game. Female traffic remained low around 8 pm, which the statisticians believe women wanted to stick around to watch Justin Timberlake’s halftime show, meanwhile, men snuck off to watch porn. Postgame stats show men surged +10 percent at midnight, while females surged +7 percent at 2 am. Very sneaky…

The lull in web traffic during the Super Bowl, followed by a massive surge in porn by Americans, is part of a reoccurring pattern for Pornhub during sporting events. Interesting enough, Pornhub’s statisticians point out that New England Patriot fans jumped to the porn site first to ease the pain after their team’s loss. Sunday is the biggest day of the week for porn watching in America, eventually, at the end of the night, trends in google analytics indicated that no matter the team–American’s as a whole still made time to watch their favorite porn star. Does America have a porn addiction?

So let's look at America with our porn addiction, our drug addictions, our worshiping of materialism, our millions of abortions, our falling away from worshiping God on Sundays....would it surprise you if God decided to tear America down in righteous judgment?

"But Dennis, God would never tear down any nation in judgment...because he(she) is a God/Godess of love!  Wrath and judgment are a thing of the past...only done by the old God of the Old Testament." better re-read your Bible.

Romans 2
But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed.

But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.

Then WHO will escape the wrath that God will one day bring to this unrepentant and perverse world?

1 Thessalonians 5
For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Romans 5
Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him!

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