
Monday, February 5, 2018

Father-Daughter Dance Cancelled

So how bad would you feel if you were a little boy and your dad took your little sister to a Father-Daughter dance?  What the heck?  How come they don't have Father-Son dances?  What if you identify as "gender female" but are stuck in a little boy's body but really wanted to go to the Father-Daughter dance?

This could certainly lead to a triggering event...

So, as a society that is sensitive to events that trigger anyone....we better scrap these old-school events and file them away with Wahoo....the insensitive Cleveland Indians mascot.

PS 65 had the event scheduled for Friday, February 9, until the school’s parent-teacher association realized it would not comply with the Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Student Guidelines, which went into effect in March 2017.

The school’s PTA will reschedule a dance for kids and caregivers of any gender on March 2, according to the DOE.

“Father-daughter dances inherently leave people out. Not just because of transgender status, just life in general,” said Jared Fox, the DOE’s LGBT community liaison. “These can be really uncomfortable and triggering events.”

Some parents are outraged at the move.

“They’re trying to take away everything that everybody grew up on and has come to know, and I don’t think it’s fair or right,” Matthew West, a father of two daughters at the school, told The New York Post. “They should leave it the way it was — father-daughter, mother-son.”

“It’s not fair at all,” said Jose Garcia, who’s gone to past dances with his daughter. “I have nothing against no one, but I don’t think that it should affect the school, or the kids for that matter.”

“All this gender crap needs to just stop,” said mom Akaia Cameron, adding her third-grader had a “great time” with dad last year.

Donald Trump Jr. reacted on Twitter, writing, “This nonsense really needs to stop.”

We pretty much know that the leftists have lost their collective minds.  Soon it will be illegal to have a sign outside of any school that says, "Girls Fast Pitch Softball Sign Up This Week".


According to the Social Justice Warriors (SJW) there are many things that a sign like that could trigger in people who read it.

For instance:
What if you are a boy who wants to play fast pitch softball but can't because its for girls?
What if you can't pitch fast because your arm is deformed or you just lack talent in pitching?
What if you you have commitment problems and "signing up" for anything causes anxiety and triggers bad feelings?

You see friends, once the foundations are shaken....the entire building is at risk.

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