
Monday, February 26, 2018

If I Were the Devil

 Most of my readers probably remember a radio guy by the name of Paul Harvey.  He died a few years back but one of his shows has been resurrected because it now seems to be VERY prophetic when listened to in the light of today.

On the link posted below it says its from Paul Harvey in 1965.  I have no idea if that is correct but it sure seems to be Paul Harvey's voice telling us how he would destroy America if he were the devil.

As you listen to it, you will quickly come to the conclusion that everything he is saying back then has now come true today.

Bible believers sense that something has gone wrong in America.  We also understand that America needs to be destroyed if the rest of Bible prophecy is going to be fulfilled.

Listen to Paul Harvey here;

We continue to hope that America's final collapse will happen SOON after the rapture when millions of Americans will vanish and leave behind their mortgages, car payments, and their jobs left undone.

  The "Full faith and confidence" that under girds our entire US Government Bond Market will disintegrate and America will be at the mercy of the rest of the world...and VERY unable to defend Israel any longer.

Of course we don't know for sure that's how things will play out.  Maybe we will all still be here to witness the collapse of America?  God does have a history of destroying the false gods in front of their worshipers....and there can be no doubt that America has been worshiping at the altar of Mammon these past 50-60 years.

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