
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Many False Teachers Will Come

If you were Satan and you wanted to confuse the heck out of all the "sheeple" running around on planet earth you would use all sorts of methods to confuse them.  False religions like Islam, Mormonism, Hindu, etc...would be a good way to fool hundreds of millions.

Another way would be to use "wolves in sheep's clothing."

Of course these might be the men and women who actually attended a theological seminary run by "Christians",  but once they get out into the flock of sheeple they end up telling them lies that the sheeple WANT to hear because they are so pleasant sounding...but in reality they are leading the flock AWAY from the doctrines of Jesus Christ and the Bible which are the ONLY words of eternal life.

Today we find out that Rob Bell is continuing to do his part to confuse and scatter the flock.

A new documentary called “The Heretic,” which centers on false teacher Rob Bell, is set to be released on March 1, and features a number of statements that are already raising concern, such as, “The Bible has caused so much damage” and “Jesus would be absolutely mortified that someone started a religion in His name.”

Bell explained in a Facebook post on Feb. 1 that he had been approached by filmmaker Andrew Morgan about creating a film surrounding his work and controversial views, which many decry as being apostate and heretical.

“A few years ago, the filmmaker Andrew Morgan approached Kristen and I about making a documentary film about my work. We have great respect for Andrew, so we said yes, and he began filming tours and RobCasts and events and interviews,” he outlined. “I can’t imagine just how much footage he captured. The result is a new film that he is preparing to release. It’s called ‘The Heretic.'”

Noting that Bell has “raised a lot of eyebrows” among Christians, the production features clips from both those opposed to Bell and those in favor of him, from Franklin Graham, who forthrightly called Bell a “heretic,” to Carlton Pearson, who praised the former “pastor” of Mars Hill in Michigan as being a “paradigm shifter.”

Pearson, a former pastor himself, lost his congregation nearly two decades ago after he came out with assertions that “Hell will not last for eternity.” While his views may not be exactly the same as Pearson’s, Bell’s bestselling book “Love Wins” claimed that the majority of Christian doctrine on Hell is “misguided and toxic.”

“Women’s rights, LGBT, minorities, love of our Muslim neighbors—if those aren’t all basics, we’re done,” Bell states in an interview featured in the documentary.

“The Bible has caused so much damage,” he also asserts. “In many ways, it’s often been an agent of dragging everything backwards.”

Bell additionally claims in “The Heretic” that Christianity is the opposite of everything that Jesus stood for, and alleges that Christ wouldn’t even have wanted religion to bear His name.

“[I]f you think about the religion that’s arisen in Jesus’ name, it is anti what Jesus was talking about,” he opines.

“What kept happening is when I kept going into the Jesus teachings, it took me beyond a religion to, ‘What does it mean to be human?’ And I actually think that Jesus would be absolutely mortified that somebody started a religion in His name.”

As of press time, the YouTube video of the trailer had generated over 42,000 views and Bell’s Facebook post had amassed 414,000 views. While some expressed excitement about the documentary and praised Bell as being “far ahead of evangelicals” spiritually, others reiterated that Bell is dangerously leading many astray with his teachings.

Ummm....Hey Rob?....did you catch the part where Jesus told Peter, "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."

And yet you somehow believe Jesus would be "mortified that someone started a religion in His name?"

Wow!  We all better pray for Rob Bell and pray for the people he is dragging into his heresy. Currently it sounds like Rob is setting himself up for a very serious meeting with Jesus.

Matthew 25
“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

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