
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Word "Mankind" is No Longer Politically Correct

In case you are keeping tabs in a notebook about what words you should not be using anymore....the leftist leader of Canada has just added another.

The word MANKIND should no longer be used.

Justin Trudeau corrects woman for using ‘mankind’: ‘Peoplekind’ is ‘more inclusive’

Mr. Trudeau was fielding questions at MacEwan University in Edmonton when a woman reportedly from the World Mission Society Church of God asked a question about policies regarding volunteering with religious organizations.

“We have received the Queen’s Award in the UK, we have received many awards throughout the whole world,” the woman said. “However, unfortunately in Canada, our volunteering as a religious charitable organization is extremely difficult, extremely. That’s why, in actuality, we cannot do free volunteering to help our neighbors in need as we truly desire.

“So that’s why we came here today to ask you to also look into the policies that religious charitable organizations have in our legislations so that it can also be changed, because maternal love is the love that’s going to change the future of mankind,” she continued. “So we’d like you to—

Mr. Trudeau interjected at that point, saying, “We like to say peoplekind, not necessarily mankind ‘cause it’s more inclusive.”

“There you go,” the woman responded approvingly. “Yes, thank you.”


So remember....NO MORE MANKIND....from now on it's PEOPLEKIND.

And there is your leftist lunacy lesson for the day!

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