
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Firing Tillerson Removes Obstacle to Peace

Peace!  Peace!  Peace!  We want peace in the Middle East!

They will scream "peace!" when there is no peace!

So remember a week ago when Trump fired Rex Tillerson and lots of folks had a fit?

He was replaced by Mike Pompeo.  It turns out that Tillerson maybe believed the Palestinian lies more than he should have....and that Pompeo might be the man who believes the truth of what Israel has been saying all along.

As Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was being fired on Tuesday, his central assumptions about the Palestinian conflict with Israel, which are shared by the entire Washington foreign policy establishment, literally blew up in Gaza.

On Tuesday morning, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah’s convoy was attacked by a roadside bomb during an official visit in Hamas-controlled Gaza.

Hamdallah was in Gaza to inaugurate a wastewater treatment facility sponsored by the World Bank. The facility was approved 14 years ago, but infighting between Hamas, which runs Gaza, and Fatah, the PLO ruling faction which controls the Palestinian Authority (PA), blocked its operation time after time.

The shuttered water treatment facility in northern Gaza has long been a monument to the Palestinian leadership’s incompetence and indifference to the plight of the people it is supposed to be serving. As the plant gathered dust, Gaza plunged deeper and deeper into a water crisis.

As the Times of Israel reported, Gaza has two water problems: insufficient groundwater, and massive pollution of the existing supply due to the absence of sufficient sewage treatment facilities.

Untreated sewage is dumped directly into the Mediterranean Sea and then seeps back into Gaza’s groundwater.

Gaza’s polluted aquifers only produce a quarter of its water needs, and due to insufficient water treatment facilities, 97 percent of Gaza’s natural water sources are unsafe for human consumption.

Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the embassy to Jerusalem was the first time any American leader since Bill Clinton had dared to reject the Palestinian veto on US Middle East policy.

Tillerson supported maintaining the PA’s veto. As a result, he all but openly opposed Trump’s decision.

So too, last June, in a bid to protect U.S. funding to the PA — despite the fact that fully 7 percent of its donor-funded budget is used to pay salaries to terrorists in Israeli prisons and their families — Tillerson falsely told the Senate Foreign Relations committee that the PA had agreed to end the payments. After the Palestinians themselves denied his statement, he only partially walked it back. The next day, he told the House Foreign Affairs Committee that the U.S. was in “active discussions” with the Palestinians regarding halting the payments.

In the event, the PA raised its payments to terrorists in 2017 to $403 million. In 2016, the PA spent $347 million to pay salaries to terrorist murderers and their families.

In other words, Tillerson is so committed to the view that there can be no peace without the PA, that he willingly misled U.S. lawmakers.

Trump administration officials keep insisting that they are almost ready to present their peace plan for the Palestinians and Israel. But whatever the plan may entail, the steps the White House has already taken – Tuesday’s summit, Trump’s move on Jerusalem, and his determination to sign the Taylor Force Act to end U.S. support for the PA if it maintains its payments to terrorists – have already advanced the cause of peace more than any American peace proposal ever has and likely ever will.


So what might all this mean?

Maybe it means that another obstacle to peace was removed when Tillerson was let go?

Maybe it means that Trump and Co. are going to come up with a peace plan that the Arab world, minus the PLO, Hamas and Fatah, will agree to?

And maybe this could be the actual peace agreement that the Antichrist will one day CONFIRM?...only to break it 3 1/2 years into its confirmation?

Yep!  That's a lot of maybes!!  But it sure is interesting to watch!

Also remember that prophecy points to the idea that THE BRIDE will have already been raptured BEFORE the Antichrist is revealed and before he confirms the agreement.

Maybe soon?

Come Lord Jesus!

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