
Friday, March 16, 2018

Gay Teen Film Hits Theaters

It seems that Hollywood just can't push their gay agenda fast enough.

And of course this much hyped movie is rated PG so every child in America can see it!!


“Love, Simon” director Greg Berlanti had just two marketing requests for 20th Century Fox, the studio behind the gay teen romantic comedy that bowed this weekend.

Berlanti, the prolific showrunner of CW series like “The Flash” and “Riverdale,” said that first and foremost, he asked the studio not to downplay the lead character’s sexual orientation.

“To me, that was in and of itself enough of a step,” he said in an interview with Variety. “The other was just to give it the same size and scope as we did with the making of the movie, to give the marketing the same attention and scope that they would have given it any other teen romantic comedy.”

As the first mainstream teen romantic comedy with a gay lead character, there’s pressure on “Love, Simon” to prove whether a film with LGBT subject matter can find broad acceptance. “Love, Simon” is aimed at moviegoers between the ages of 13 and 25, as well as LGBTQ audiences. It’s currently at 88% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. Opening at 2,402 locations, it’s expected to take in around $10-$12 million on opening weekend against a $17 million budget.

The film also has TV ads running. But to get to teens and young adults — the film’s core audience — Fox went to where they hang out: Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

As part of the digital campaign, the studio held screenings for gay celebrities and social-media influencers, including Ellen Degeneres, Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen. On Instagram, the studio held a contest where social-media users could vote to have a screening in their state. The winning states were Texas, Washington, California, New York and Georgia. Those were just a few of the more than 300 screenings held in the top 50 markets since early January.


The effort to silence any of us who claim that "men laying with men" is not natural and should not be celebrated or encouraged will continue at an alarming speed.

It was only about a decade ago that many states legally added marriage amendments to their constitutions and were overwhelmingly approved by voters...and once the Supreme Court struck them all down, the perversion has come upon us like a flood.

We can hope for a REVIVAL of the Christian faith and biblical worldviews to break out in America and of course God can do anything He wants to do....but I just don't see it coming as I read my Bible and understand that once the birth pangs start...they will only get more severe and more frequent...until the end comes.

Romans 1
27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

How much longer will it be before the Bible is declared "hate speech" because of this passage which makes many men and teen boys feel bad?

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