
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Humming Economy Doesn't Fix Broken Culture

It seems that America, as a collective nation, is more interested in what the DOW JONES stock index did today than they are in what the God of the universe has to say.

If the market is up, then the local news tells us that should make us feel good about our 401k and retirement accounts.

If the real estate market is up, then we should be happy because our house just sent from $200k to $250k and increased our wealth!

So if the economy is so good, why are so many Americans taking anti-depressants and using illegal drugs and alcohol to numb their pain or change their reality?

It doesn't take a veteran pollster to determine America is at war with itself but new polling suggests a majority of us are angry and upset.

George Barna of the American Culture and Faith Institute finds that 6 in 10 Americans feel angry about the direction of the country.

"A large majority of people," reports Barna, "say we are not on the right track culturally or politically or morally."

Culture and Faith polled 1,000 adults 18 and over in January for its newest poll.

A majority of people feel okay about the economy, the poll suggests, but even that topic divides America when viewed through the prism of faith. Sixty-one percent of born-again Christians think the American economy is doing well while only 33 percent of skeptics feel that way.

When it comes to morality, however, the national divide is really felt. A strong majority of all faith segments says we are morally bankrupt in America.

"Our moral compass is broken. We've lost it," Barna says of that finding. "But then when you dig down, it's not that we can just say, Great, let's all focus on that and move forward, because the groups want to go to different destinations."

Christians tell the pollster that we have strayed from God's moral design for the country and the non-religious alternately claim the country is too devoted to traditional, moral principles.

Asked if that suggests the Church has an opportunity to step in, Barna says not so fast.

"There's seemingly more of a consciousness on the part of church leaders," he observes, "about making people feel comfortable and not being controversial in what's being taught."

Yes!!  Many Americans believe our moral compass is broken....but we can no longer agree on what MORALITY actually they want to fix it by going in different directions!!

One group thinks that gay marriage legalization has pushed us AWAY from morality while the other group believes we have become MORE moral by the legalization.

Why the confusion?

Because without God there is NO MORAL AUTHORITY.  Without God it's up to every man to decide what is "good" and "moral" in his own eyes.

It would seem that America is suffering from a famine.  Not a famine of food or drink but a famine of hearing, knowing and understanding the Word of God.

Amos 8
“The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign Lord, “when I will send a famine through the land— not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord.

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