
Thursday, March 8, 2018

Magnetic Strips in $20 Bills May Be Coming Soon

The Federal Reserve was established about 105 years ago.  It's not owned by the Federal Government.  They can now print as much money as they deem necessary to keep America going in the "right direction".  Of course we have had that privilege since winning WWII and making the US Dollar the world's ONLY reserve currency.  One thing that means is that we can issue Treasury Bonds and pay them back with printed dollars!!  What a deal!!

Since they took over our dollar currency, the value of the dollar has decreased by 96%.

Now there are many of us who wonder if the Fed has played it's last cards during the real estate fiasco of 2008?

Let's think about it real quick.  In 2000 there was a Nasdaq stock market crash that people refer to as the DOT.COM crash.  It was mainly tech stocks and didn't affect a great deal of Americans but the Fed decided to act and lower interest rates to make sure that people would keep borrowing money to buy crap....since that the ONLY way America works today is with people borrowing money.

So as one bubble popped, the FED decided to create another one.  This time in real estate which affects WAY more people.

Since Americans don't really care what things cost, they care more about the monthly payment, you can see that when the FED lowered interest rates from 8% mortgages to 5% mortgages it's going to make the price of houses go up.

As the prices went up, many Americans started to get drunk on real estate appraisals.  They saw that there $100K house was now appraised at $200k and they started to believe that it's value was going to double about ever 5-7 years and make them multi millionaires in the next 20 years!

But even worse is that those same folks wanted to get at that newly created $100k of HOME EQUITY and they wanted to spend it today on boats, trucks, jet skis, snowmobiles and ATV's.  This then heated up the stock market as people started buying billions of dollars worth of stuff by using created "wealth" from their homes.

So they kept pulling money out of their home by increasing their mortgage.

Of course the bottom fell out of this in 2008-2009 and people stood around and marveled at the carnage.  Millions of folks were upside down on their homes which now appraised for $100k even though they now owed $200k.

The FED responded by lowering interest rates to basically 0% in hopes they could keep people borrowing money by making it free.

For the past 7 years now, that's where interest rates have been at the banks...basically 0%.

Now what happens if we run into another recession later this year for whatever reason?

Interest rates are already at 0% so the FED would have no choice but to make them negative.

This means that if you had $100k sitting in a savings account at Wells Fargo that they would now charge you 1%-2%-3% or more per year to leave your money there.

"Well Dennis, if they ever did that, I would just march down there and take my 1000 hundred dollar bills and bring them home and put them in my gun safe!!"

Exactly!!  But yet the FED can't allow that because they would then lose control so they will take a page from what already happened in India last year.  They will have no choice but to make the $100 bill null and void.

"Well if they did that I would just have to ask them for 5000 twenty dollar bills!"

For this reason it is already being floated by the FED to reissue all $20 bills with magnetic strips in them.


So they would know when the bill left someone's pocket to buy something and they would be able to calculate how long you held that bill before spending it.  They would then be able to assess you with a negative interest rate EVEN IF ALL YOUR MONEY WAS HELD IN CASH!!

"Dennis, that has to be the most far-fetched bag of dog crap I have ever heard!!"

Trump’s Federal Reserve Pick Wants to Put Metal Chips in Cash to Track Every Dollar and Tax It

In the state’s relentless pursuit to scrutinize and control every citizen, including monitoring, tracking, and especially taxing their income, untraceable physical cash has long been a shield against such tyranny. However, thanks to Donald Trump’s nomination to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, anonymous purchases, deposits, and savings with cash could soon be a thing of the past.

In November 2017, central banking proponent and Keynesian economist Marvin Goodfriend was nominated by President Donald Trump to fill one of the vacancies on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. He was then confirmed by the U.S. Senate Banking Committee to advance.

Goodfriend is a central banking insider who’s spent decades moving in and out of government and central banks and his ideas are nothing short of Orwellian.

While his resume may make him seem like a qualified member of the corrupt and insidious Federal Reserve System, he’s proposed and openly advocated for one of the most horrific plans a free society (somewhat) has ever seen—tracking cash.

Goodfriend’s idea was to insert magnetic strips into the bills. Each time the cash was returned to a bank, the money would be taxed at a pre-determined rate. That would discourage individuals from hoarding cash and remove one obstacle for central bankers in setting negative rates.


The Bible says a day is coming when cash won't work.  You will have to be part of the electronic system to buy or sell anything.

The fact that the WAR ON CASH has already begun should get us to wake up and NOT BE SURPRISED as we careen down the path to Armageddon.

1 comment:

  1. Bye bye cash...hello crypto currency.

    "Boy I love how I can use my bitcoin for everything; I just wish I didn't have to use my phone. Oh hey...wouldn't it be cool if they could just use one of those implantable chips! Like maybe in my right hand, or my forehead. Then I would never loose it."
